Ariadna Pavlovna Bazhova has passed away (1925-2024)

On October 28, 2024, Ariadna Pavlovna Bazhova, daughter of the celebrated writer Pavel Bazhov, wife of the war journalist and writer Timur Gaidar and mother of the scholar, reformer, political activist and constant director of the Institute for Economic Policy, Yegor Timurovich Gaidar, passed away at the age of 99.

Ariadna Pavlovna was always a source of wisdom, love and support for her family and friends. Every moment spent in her presence was filled with light, deep reflections and kind stories. 

The Gaidar Institute staff expresses deep condolences to Ariadna Pavlovna's family and friends.

The farewell will be held on October 31 at 13:00 in the Small Farewell Hall of the Central Clinical Hospital. Gathering at 12:30.
Address: 25 Marshal Timoshenko St. (metro station Krylatskoe).

Monday, 28.10.2024