Template-Type: ReDIF-Chapter 1.0 Author-Name: V. Mau Author-Name: I. Kiyutsevskaya Author-Name: P. Trunin Author-Name: A. Mamedov Author-Name: S. Belev Author-Name: M. Dechko Author-Name: A. Alaev Author-Name: I. Arlashkin Author-Name: A. Deryugin Author-Name: V. Nazarov Author-Name: A. Abramov Author-Name: M. Khromov Author-Name: A. Shadrin Author-Name: O. Izryadnova Author-Name: S. Tsukhlo Author-Name: E. Ilyukhina Author-Name: Yu. Bobylev Author-Name: N. Karlova Author-Name: V. Uzun Author-Name: N. Shagaida Author-Name: R. Yanbykh Author-Name: N. Volovik Author-Name: S. Misikhina Author-Name: L. Karachurina Author-Name: T. Klyachko Author-Name: I. Dezhina Author-Name: G. Malginov Author-Name: A. Radygin; Author-Name: Yu. Simachev Author-Name: M. Kuzyk Author-Name: B. Kuznetsov Author-Name: E. Pogrebnyak Author-Name: E. Apevalova Author-Name: N. Polezhaeva Author-Name: G. Zadonsky Author-Name: G. Sternik Author-Name: V. Tsymbal Author-Name: V. Zatsepin Author-Name: I. Starodubrovskaya Author-Name: K. Kazenin Author-Name: I. Tolmacheva Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Editor-Name: S. Sinelnikov-Murylev Editor-Name: A. Radygin Editor-Name: L. Freikman Editor-Name: N. Glavatskaya In-Book: RePEc:gai:gbooks:5 Title: Section 3. Financial markets and financial institutions Book-Title: Russian Economy in 2013. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 35) Abstract: By January 2014 the Russian market recovered but its stock indices were still below the highest ones recorded shortly before the crisis in 2008. Unlike the crisis in 1997–1998 after which the market saw a V-shaped recovery, the dynamics of the RTS Index after 2008 showed a W-shaped trend, to be more precise. The RTS Index passed through a second downtrend phase within this contour in 2013, declining from 2044,2 points in March 2011 to 1301,0 points in January 2014. Classification-JEL: Keywords: Financial markets, financial institutions Pages: 93-189 Chapter: 3 Edition: 1 Year: 2014 File-URL: https://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/gbchap/RE35-03-en.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:gai:gbchap:RE35-03-en