Template-Type: ReDIF-Chapter 1.0 Author-Name: V. Mau Author-Name: I. Kiyutsevskaya Author-Name: P. Trunin Author-Name: A. Mamedov Author-Name: S. Belev Author-Name: M. Dechko Author-Name: A. Alaev Author-Name: I. Arlashkin Author-Name: A. Deryugin Author-Name: V. Nazarov Author-Name: A. Abramov Author-Name: M. Khromov Author-Name: A. Shadrin Author-Name: O. Izryadnova Author-Name: S. Tsukhlo Author-Name: E. Ilyukhina Author-Name: Yu. Bobylev Author-Name: N. Karlova Author-Name: V. Uzun Author-Name: N. Shagaida Author-Name: R. Yanbykh Author-Name: N. Volovik Author-Name: S. Misikhina Author-Name: L. Karachurina Author-Name: T. Klyachko Author-Name: I. Dezhina Author-Name: G. Malginov Author-Name: A. Radygin Author-Name: Yu. Simachev Author-Name: M. Kuzyk Author-Name: B. Kuznetsov Author-Name: E. Pogrebnyak Author-Name: E. Apevalova Author-Name: N. Polezhaeva Author-Name: G. Zadonsky Author-Name: G. Sternik Author-Name: V. Tsymbal Author-Name: V. Zatsepin Author-Name: I. Starodubrovskaya Author-Name: K. Kazenin Author-Name: I. Tolmacheva Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Editor-Name: S. Sinelnikov-Murylev Editor-Name: A. Radygin Editor-Name: L. Freikman Editor-Name: N. Glavatskaya In-Book: RePEc:gai:gbooks:5 Title: Section 4. The Real Sector of the Economy Book-Title: Russian Economy in 2013. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 35) Abstract: The global economic crisis impacted on the Russian economy in the following areas: (1) there was a sharp drop in prices and in foreign demand for the basic commodities that form the basis of export potential; (2) domestic demand decreased due to falling revenues for the economy and falling population incomes; (3) narrowed supply of imported goods, which form more than one third of domestic market resources; and (4) changes in the direction of investments, with a sharp drop in the domestic investment in capital assets and an intensive outflow of capital abroad. Classification-JEL: Keywords: The Real Sector of the Economy Pages: 191-306 Chapter: 4 Edition: 1 Year: 2014 File-URL: https://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/gbchap/RE35-04-en.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:gai:gbchap:RE35-04-en