Template-Type: ReDIF-Chapter 1.0 Author-Name: V. Mau Author-Name: I. Kiyutsevskaya Author-Name: P. Trunin Author-Name: A. Mamedov Author-Name: S. Belev Author-Name: M. Dechko Author-Name: A. Alaev Author-Name: I. Arlashkin Author-Name: A. Deryugin Author-Name: V. Nazarov Author-Name: A. Abramov Author-Name: M. Khromov Author-Name: A. Shadrin Author-Name: O. Izryadnova Author-Name: S. Tsukhlo Author-Name: E. Ilyukhina Author-Name: Yu. Bobylev Author-Name: N. Karlova Author-Name: V. Uzun Author-Name: N. Shagaida Author-Name: R. Yanbykh Author-Name: N. Volovik Author-Name: S. Misikhina Author-Name: L. Karachurina Author-Name: T. Klyachko Author-Name: I. Dezhina Author-Name: G. Malginov Author-Name: A. Radygin Author-Name: Yu. Simachev Author-Name: M. Kuzyk Author-Name: B. Kuznetsov Author-Name: E. Pogrebnyak Author-Name: E. Apevalova Author-Name: N. Polezhaeva Author-Name: G. Zadonsky Author-Name: G. Sternik Author-Name: V. Tsymbal Author-Name: V. Zatsepin Author-Name: I. Starodubrovskaya Author-Name: K. Kazenin Author-Name: I. Tolmacheva Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Editor-Name: S. Sinelnikov-Murylev Editor-Name: A. Radygin Editor-Name: L. Freikman Editor-Name: N. Glavatskaya In-Book: RePEc:gai:gbooks:5 Title: Section 5. Social Sphere Book-Title: Russian Economy in 2013. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 35) Abstract: Over 2013, the population’s real disposable income rose by 3.3%. The salary level in the budget-funded sphere was being raised at a high rate – which, however, proved to be insufficient to meet the targets set in the President of the Russian Federation's Executive Order of 7 May 2012, No. 597 'On Measures Aimed at the Implementation of Government Social Policy'. The income inequality index over the period January–September 2013 somewhat increased. The poverty level over the first 9 months of 2013 was 0.5 pp. above its level over the corresponding period of 2012, due in the main to the alterations introduced into the methodology applied for estimating the subsistence level. The impact of social transfers on the child poverty level in Russia is low by comparison with that in the European Union. Classification-JEL: Keywords: Social Sphere Pages: 307-364 Volume: Chapter: 5 Edition: 1 Year: 2014 File-URL: https://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/gbchap/RE35-05-en.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:gai:gbchap:RE35-05-en