Template-Type: ReDIF-Chapter 1.0 Author-Name: O. Izriadnova Author-Name: S. Drobyshevsky Author-Name: M. Kazakova Author-Name: S. Tsukhlo Author-Name: Yu. Bobylev Author-Name: N. Karlova Author-Name: N. Shagaida Author-Name: V. Uzun Author-Name: R. Yanbykh Author-Name: N. Volovik Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy In-Book: RePEc:gai:gbooks:RE36-2014-en Book-Title: Russian Economy in 2014. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 36) Title: Section 4. Real sector of the economy Abstract: Analysis of the dynamics of the Russian economy macroeconomic indices for the period 2009–2014 showed that the gradual decline of economic growth was accompanied by increasing disparity in production, a decrease in innovation by manufacturers and increased problems related to the imbalance of the technical and technological characteristics of the basic funds and investments in fixed assets in basic economic activities. Development, based on the extensive use of the main factors, increase in production costs reduced the competitive ability of the Russian economy. Expanding domestic consumer demand was supported by the growth of salaries outstripping labour productivity. The growth of investments in fixed assets did not result in a corresponding increase in return per unit of the resources used. Classification-JEL: F17, F40, O40, N60, L60, L70, L80, J60, J63 Keywords: Real sector Pages:173-278 Chapter: 4 Edition: 1 Year: 2015 File-URL: https://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/gbchap/RE36-04-en.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:gai:gbchap:RE36-04-en