Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Shagaida Natalia Author-Name-First: Natalia Author-Name-Last: Shagaida Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Author-Name: Uzun Vasily Author-Name-First: Vasily Author-Name-Last: Uzun Author-Workplace-Name: RANEPA Author-Name: Ternovskiy Dmitry Author-Name-First: Dmitry Author-Name-Last: Ternovskiy Author-Workplace-Name: RANEPA Title: The Pandemic and Food Security? Abstract: Early in 2020, Russia adopted the new Food Security Doctrine, which included the entire range of amendments as compared with the previous Doctrine-2010. Classification-JEL: Q13, Q14, Q15, Q16, Q17, Q18 Keywords: Russian economy, agricultural production Creation-Date: 2021 Revision-Date: 2021 Length: 8 pages File-URL: https://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/ppaper/ppaper-2021-1124.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Function: Revised Version, 2021 Handle: RePEc:gai:ppaper:ppaper-2021-1124