Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name:E. Grishina Author-Name-First:E. Author-Name-Last: Grishina Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Author-Name:M. Kirillova Author-Name-First:M. Author-Name-Last: Kirillova Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Title: LIVING STANDARDS IN RUSSIA IN AUGUST 20151 Abstract: The real personal disposable money income kept declining and the percentage of individuals with money income below the minimum subsistence level was increasing. Note that with a total decline (down 9% in January–August) in real income and real wages, this process is differentiated by industry and type of activity. Construction, fi nancing activities, public administration and military security, publishing and printing, hotels and restaurants saw most of the decline in real wages, whereas agriculture, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, trade, community and social services experienced the lowest decline in real wages. Classification-JEL: Keywords: LIVING STANDARDS, Russian Economy Journal: Russian Economic Developments Year: 2015 Issue: 10 Month: October Pages: 45-47 File-URL: http://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/recdev/600Grishina.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:gai:recdev:600