Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name:Georgiy Zadonsky Author-Name-First:Georgiy Author-Name-Last: Zadonsky Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Title: MORTGAGE IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN NOVEMBER 2015 Abstract: Over 10 months of 2015, entities of all patterns of ownership have built 792,000 fl ats with total fl oor space of 58.9 million sq. m., which climed to 104.2% of fl oor area commissioned as of 1 November 2014. For the category “all fl ats” the rate of accessibility decreased in 2015 on the primary and secondary housing markets to 2.49 and 2.54 years, respectively. Compared to 9 months of 2014, the number of registered plots of land by individuals for the same period of 2015 (429,157 certificates) down 12.61%. In comparison with last year, the number of housing mortgage loans (HML) for 10 months 2015 fell by 33.93% in quantitative terms (526,757 mortgages) and down 37.07% in value terms (Rb 872.82bn). As of 1 November 2015, the HML quality portfolio denominated in roubles has deteriorated: outstanding debt in percent to residual debt has moved up by 0.17 p.p. to 1.02%. Nevertheless, from March 2015, average weighted rate on rouble loans down 1.82 p.p. to 12.89%. Classification-JEL: G21, K11, L74, L85, R14, R21 , R31, R52 Keywords: : REAL ESTATE MARKET, Russian Economy Journal: Russian Economic Year: 2016 Issue: 1 Month: January Pages: 46-51 File-URL: http://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/recdev/666Zadonsky.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:gai:recdev:666