Template-type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Zubov Sergey Author-Workplace-Name: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Title: Retail Lending, January through August 2021: Record-High Growth in the Market’s History Title: Кредитование физических лиц в январе-августе 2021 г.: рекордный рост в истории рынка Abstract: In 2021, retail lending has been the most dynamically growing banking market segment spurring banking revenues growth. The worsening of loan portfolio quality was driven by rising inflation, stagnation of households’ real incomes and the epidemiological situation, which factors could not but cause the monetary authorities’ concern and make them take additional measures to cool the credit market in order to prevent a pickup in households’ debt burden and reduce market risks. Keywords: Russian banking sector, retail lending, debt burden indicator, macroprudential markups, Bank of Russia Classification-JEL: D81, E58, G21 Journal: Russian Economic Developments Year: 2021 Issue: 10 Month: October Pages: 27-30 File-URL: http://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/recdev/r21108.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:gai:recdev:r21108