Template-type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Sergey P. Aukutsionek Author-Workplace-Name: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences Author-Name: Andrey S. Yegorov Author-Workplace-Name: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences Author-Name: Inessa A. Bachirova Author-Workplace-Name: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences Author-Name: Tatyana V. Serzhantova Author-Workplace-Name: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences Title: Survey of Current Business (April-July 2022) Title: Хозяйственное обозрение (апрель-июль 2022 г.) Abstract: In April 2022, there happened a long-awaited decline in price indicators: for example, the diffusion index of prices for purchased products decreased by 9 points, and the diffusion index of expected in three months changes in prices for manufactured products decreased by 21 points at a time. The diffusion indices of output and order-books level decreased significantly, but this can rather be called a correction after the abnormally high values of March. Keywords: Russia, industry, industrial enterprises, price level, wages, employment, output, investment, indebtedness to banks, order-book level, stocks of finished products, capacity utilization rate, financial situation, production restrictive factors Classification-JEL: D22, D24, G31, L23, P23 Journal: Russian Economic Developments Year: 2022 Issue: 7 Month: July Pages: 21-28 File-URL: http://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/recdev/r2259.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:gai:recdev:r2259