Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name:Dezhina Irina Author-Name-First: Irina Author-Name-Last:Dezhina Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Title: THE PLANS OF REFORM IN THE SPHERE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, AND THE CURRENT TASKS Abstract: At present, several strategies addressing the sphere of science and technology are being elaborated. If one looks away from strategies and att empts to examine more thoroughly the actual practice and those issues that are being actively discussed by the specialists involved in that sphere, the existence of a significant gap between the issues that are the focus of a en on of scientific research organizations, higher educational establishments, companies, and the scientific researcher community at large, as well as of the government departments responsible for the research and development sphere, on the one hand, and the priorities set by the strategies, on the other, will become obvious. Strategies appear to have little to do with the existing important problems. This does not mean, however, that no strategies are needed – on the contrary, in view of the absence of a systemic approach to provid ing solutions to these problems, it is especially important to introduce proper order into the existing situation and to select adequate instruments for and approaches to dealing with it. But it is the instruments to be applied that are the weakest point of the existing strategies. Besides, strategies must be geared to the real state of affairs, and not overlook the seemingly ‘minor’ issues capable of slowing down the development process.. Classification-JEL: O32, O38 Keywords: Sсience, technologies, Russian Economy Year: 2016 Issue:11 Month: November Pages: 43-47 File-URL: https://iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/recdev/recdev-2016-11-777.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Function: Revised version, 2016 Handle: RePEc:gai:recdev:recdev-2016-11-777