Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name:Dezhina Irina Author-Name-First: Irina Author-Name-Last: Dezhina Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Author-Name:Kiseleva Viktoria Author-Name-First: Viktoria Author-Name-Last: Kiseleva Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Title:Progress Trends of Scientific Schools in Contemporary Russia Abstract:This publication is dedicated to the study of scientific schools as the mechanism of creating and disseminating knowledge. The authors investigate parameters which haracterize scientific schools and determine patterns of their development. Special attention is paid to scientific schools as establishments of state assistance. The authors analyze alternative personnel programs as well as summarize contemporary state policy directed at stimulating personnel mobility. At the end they give a list of proposals on types and forms of assistance to research teams which can be more efficient than the existing programs of state assistance to leading scientific schools. Year: 2009 Issue: 124P File-URL: http://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/rpaper/90Dezhina.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: Revised version, 2012 Classification-JEL: C31, O38 Keywords:Scientific Schools, Russia, Trends Handle: RePEc:gai:rpaper:90 Language:ru