Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Michael Alexeev Author-Name-First: Michael Author-Name-Last: Alexeev Author-Email: malexeev@indiana.edu Author-Workplace-Name: Indiana University Author-Name: Robert Conrad Author-Name-First: Robert Author-Name-Last: Conrad Author-Workplace-Name: Duke University Title: Assessment of Tax Reform Results in Russia: Comparative Analysis Abstract:This article addresses the issue of tax reform outcome in Russia. It also provides comparative analysis. Length: 32 pages Creation-Date: 2009 Revision-Date: 2009 File-URL: https://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/wpaper/0001Alexeev-Conrad.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: Revised version, 2009 Keywords: tax reform, tax reform in Russia, comparative analysis of tax reform, VAT efficiency Handle: RePEc:gai:wpaper:0001