Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name:Konstantin Yanovskiy Author-Name-First: Konstantin Author-Name-Last: Yanovskiy Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Author-Name:Sergey Zhavoronkov Author-Name-First: Sergey Author-Name-Last: Zhavoronkov Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Author-Name:Dmitry Shestakov Author-Name-First: Dmitry Author-Name-Last: Shestakov Author-Workplace-Name: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Title: Democracy of "Taxation-Redistribution" and Peacetime Budget Deficit Abstract: The link between an introduction of the universal suffrage and the growth of government spending has been established in some literature (Meltzer, Richard, 1981, Aidt et al., 2006, Funk and Guthmann, 2006). In this article we try to identify a more detailed mechanism behind that link. So, we addressed to the conflict of interest of bureaucrats, and of the state subsidy beneficiaries. Historically the growth of government spending might be traced to the emergence of mainstream left parties, which openly stood in favor of the nanny state and government help from the cradle to the grave[1] as a priority over the provision of pure public goods. Finally we check the hypothesis that the growth of government care correlates with the chronic illnesses of the modern state finance like budget deficit, state debt and inflation. Length: 20 pages Creation-Date: 2013 Revision-Date: 2013 Classification-JEL: D72, D73, H62, N40 Keywords: Universal Suffrage; Left parties; Budget Deficit; Conflict of Interest. File-URL: https://www.iep.ru/files/RePEc/gai/wpaper/0078Yanovskiy.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: Revised version, 2013 Handle: RePEc:gai:wpaper:0078