
Sergei Tsukhlo took part in a seminar at the Moscow State University

25 december 2017

December 21, Sergei Tsukhlo Head of Business Surveys Department made a report on "Russian industry in 2015-2017: a strange 'crisis' and attempts to get out of it" at a seminar at the Moscow School of Economics of the Moscow State University.

Presentation to the report >>>

Results of the Competition for Young Economists 2017 are announced

21 december 2017

The results of the Competition for Young Economists 2017 (the best graduation thesis in economics) are announced by the Gaidar Institute. The results are available on the website in the section “Competition for Young Economists”.

Issue No. 22(60) December 2017 of the Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook Has Recently Been Published

15 december 2017

The Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook: the Trends and Challenges of the Socioeconomic Development (Issue No.22(60), 2017) which deals with current trends and changes in the Russian economy has recently been published.

Mikhail Khromov: There is no need to expect a big inflow of deposits into banks in the near future

07 december 2017

December 7, Head of Financial Studies Department, of the Gaidar Institute Mikhail Khromov gave an interview to the program "RBC. Expert "on RBC-TV, in which the risks for the banking system were discussed.

Issue No. 21(59) December 2017 of the Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook Has Recently Been Published

04 december 2017

The Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook: the Trends and Challenges of the Socioeconomic Development (Issue No.21(59), 2017) which deals with current trends and changes in the Russian economy has recently been published.

Andrei Polbin Addressed the Scientific Seminar at the Moscow State University

04 december 2017

On 30 November, Andrei Polbin, Head of the Macroeconomic Modeling Department of the Gaidar Institute delivered a report – The Estimate of Oil Price Shocks on the Russian Economy in the Vector Model of Error Adjustment – at the scientific seminar at the Moscow State University.

The Gaidar Institute Publishing House Takes Part in the Non/fictio№19 Book Fair

04 december 2017

The Gaidar Institute Publishing House took part in the 19th International Book Fair for high-quality fiction and non-fiction (see Non/fictio№19), held 29 November – 3 December 2017 at the Central House of Artists in Moscow (10 Krymsky Val).

Alexei Vedev Took Part in the 4th International Forum of the Financial University

01 december 2017

On 29 November, Alexei Vedev, Leading Researcher of the Gaidar Institute took part in the Economy of Chances Conference which was held within the framework of the 4th International Forum of the Financial University.

Registration for the Gaidar Forum 2018 has been opened

29 november 2017

Registration for all Forum guests and experts is mandatory on the website:

Stepan Zemtsov took part at the international conference "Quality - Strategy of the 21st Century"

27 november 2017

Stepan Zemtsov, Senior Researcher, Innovation Economics Department of the Gaidar Institute took part at the XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality - Strategy of the 21st Century", held November 22-23, 2017 in Tomsk, with the report "The main directions of the state policy of supporting small and medium-sized businesses: opportunities for" wild " economy ".

Irina Dezhina took part at the XI Scientific Conference of the European University

22 november 2017

On 18 November Dr. Irina Dezhina,Doctor of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher, Social Services Department took part in the XI Scientific Conference of the European University in St. Petersburg "Exhibition of National Economic Achievements" with the report "Russian-Speaking Scientists in France: Cooperation with Russia and "Wheel-track effect" (Russian-Speaking Scientists in France: Collaboration with Russia and Path-Dependency Effect).

Sergey Prikhodko Takes Part in the Seminar of the Pan-European Institute in Turku

21 november 2017

On 21 November, Executive Director of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Prikhodko took part in the international seminar Russian Enigma – Decoding Mysteries and Turning Them into Business Opportunities, held to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Pan-European Institute in Turku (Finland).

Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook, Issue No.20(58), November 2017, Has Been Released

20 november 2017

No.20(58), 2017 of the analytical review of the current trends and recent developments in the Russian economy – Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook: Trends and Challenges of Social and Economic Development – is now available online.

Irina Dezhina took part at the 49th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Slavic Studies, Eastern Europe and Eurasia

15 november 2017

On November 12, Dr. Irina Dezhina, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher, Social Services Department, took part in the 49th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Slavic Studies in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, held in Chicago (USA) with the report "State reform in science as the main challenge for the Russian scientific community "(Government Reforms in Science as the Major Challenge for the Russian Scientific Community).

Mikhail Khromov: Capital Outflow is a Fairly Natural Thing for Russia’s Current Economic Situation

14 november 2017

On 13 November, Mikhail Khromov, Head of the Financial Study Department of the Gaidar Institute gave an  interview to the Market Online program on the RBK-TV in which the effect both of the Rouble/Dollar exchange rate and global market prices of oil on Russia’s  balance of payments was discussed.

The Gaidar Institute Publishing Presents a Series of Books to Commemorate the Centennial of the Russian Revolution

08 november 2017

On 7 November, the presentation of a series of books issued by the Gaidar Institute Publishing House to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution was held, hosted by Rector of the RANEPA Vladimir Mau.