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M.Turuntseva, E.Astafieva, M.Bayeva, A.Bozhechkova, A.Buzaev, T.Kiblitskaya, Yu.Ponomarev, A.Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (April 2013) Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 13.06.2013
M.Turuntseva, E.Astafieva, M.Bayeva, A.Bozhechkova, A.Buzaev, T.Kiblitskaya, Yu.Ponomarev, A.Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (March 2013) Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 21.05.2013
M.Turuntseva, E.Astafieva, M.Bayeva, A.Bozhechkova, A.Buzaev, T.Kiblitskaya, Yu.Ponomarev, A.Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (February 2013) Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 01.04.2013
M.Turuntseva, E.Astafieva, M.Bayeva, A.Bozhechkova, A.Buzaev, T.Kiblitskaya, Yu.Ponomarev, A.Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (January 2013) Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 06.03.2013
M.Turuntseva, E.Astafieva, M.Bayeva, A.Bozhechkova, A.Buzaev, T.Kiblitskaya, Yu.Ponomarev, A.Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (December 2012) Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 29.01.2013
М. Turuntseva, Е. Astafieva, M. Baeva, А. Bozhechkova, А. Buzayev, T. Kiblitskaya, Yu. Ponomarev, А. Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (November 2012) Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 27.12.2012
M.Turuntseva, E.Astafieva, M.Bayeva, A.Bozhechkova, A.Buzaev, T.Kiblitskaya, Yu.Ponomarev, A.Skrobotov Model calculations of short-term forecasts of social and economic indices of the Russian Federation (October 2012) Model calculations of short-term forecasts of social and economic indices of the Russian Federation 14.12.2012
M. Turuntseva, E. Astafieva, A. Bzhechkova, A. Buzaev, V. Idrisova, T. Kiblitskaya, Yu. Ponomarev, A. Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (September 2012) Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 01.11.2012
M. Turuntseva E. Astafieva A. Bzhechkova A. Buzaev V. Idrisova T. Kiblitskaya Yu. Ponomarev A. Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (August 2012) Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 08.10.2012
M. Turuntseva E. Astafieva A. Bzhechkova A. Buzaev V. Idrisova T. Kiblitskaya Yu. Ponomarev A. Skrobotov Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (July 2012) Вulletin "Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation" 05.09.2012
M. Turuntseva A. Bzhechkova A. Buzaev V. Idrisova T. Kiblitskaya Yu. Ponomarev A. Skrobotov E. Astafieva Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (June 2012) Bulletin "Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation" 24.07.2012
M. Turuntseva E. Astafieva A. Bzhechkova A. Buzaev V. Idrisova Yu. Ponomarev A. Skrobotov Bulletin of Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (May 2012) Bulletin of Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation 28.06.2012
M. Turuntseva E. Astafieva A. Bzhechkova A. Buzaev V. Idrisova Yu. Ponomarev A. Skrobotov Bulletin of Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (April 2012) Bulletin of Model Analysis of Short-Term Forecasts of Socio-Economic Indicators in the Russian Federation 30.05.2012
M. Turuntseva E. Astafieva A. Bzhechkova A. Buzaev V. Idrisova Yu. Ponomarev A. Skrobotov Bulletin of Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (March 2012) Bulletin of Model Analysis of Short-Term Forecasts of Socio-Economic Indicators in the Russian Federation 17.04.2012
M. Turuntseva E. Astafieva A. Bzhechkova A. Buzaev V. Idrisova Yu. Ponomarev A. Skrobotov Bulletin of Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (February 2012) Bulletin of Model Analysis of Short-Term Forecasts of Socio-Economic Indicators in the Russian Federation 19.03.2012
М. Turuntseva Е. Astafieva А. Bozhechkova А. Buzayev V. Idrisova Yu. Ponomarev А. Skrobotov Bulletin of Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (January 2012) Bulletin of Model Analysis of Short-Term Forecasts of Socio-Economic Indicators in the Russian Federation 01.03.2012
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