Sergey Drobyshevsky took part in the Think 20 summit

Sergey Drobyshevsky, Scientific Director of the Gaidar Institute, took part in the Think 20 Summit held in Buenos Aires on September 16-18, 2018 under the G20 Argentinian presidency in 2018.

Sergey Drobyshevsky spoke at the session of Think 20 “Money matters. Monetary policy and Strengthening the Global Financial Safety Net and Crypto-assets”. He underlined the necessity for G20 to work further on strengthening the global financial safety net, anticipation and prevention of financial instability. International Monetary Fund (IMF), well – resourced, more effective and independent, coordinating its activity with central banks on provision of currency swaps and developing parallel to a group of strong financial organizations, shall be in the center of the system. Extension of a set of approaches and modalities for provision of stabilization loans, strengthening of power of the national authorities for support of the financial stability, coordination of various policies, capital - flow management measures and macro – prudential regulation shall be the key factors of efficiency and effectiveness of this approach.

Full text of the document elaborated by the Gaidar Institute staff under Russia representation in the Think20 is available here.