
Developing the monitoring system for non-bank financial institutions and Russian financial market

23 june 2016

The problem of creation and development of a complex monitoring system for the financial market has gained relevance for the expert community as a result of the 2008 crisis that had demonstrated the vulnerability of the global and national financial systems, including regulatory and supervisory subsystems. The instability of the Russian financial market during the past two years only stresses the importance of developing a monitoring system.

Mechanisms of Formation of Strategic Priorities of Social and Economic Development at the Federal Level

20 june 2016

In the present-day state management practice, the role of strategic planning in which setting of priorities and development objectives is an important component – otherwise efficiency of the state system is impossible – is growing.

Russia’s Participation in Rendering of Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

17 june 2016

Ratification in November 2014 of the Convention of 25 January 1988 on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters imposed on Russia concrete obligations, including additional ones as regards rendering of assistance in tax matters.

An Important Prerequisite for Stepping Up Economic Growth is More Loans to Enterprises

17 june 2016

The scope of opportunities which emerged on the back of depreciation of the national currency and sanctions forms a substantial growth potential for Russian enterprises in different industries.

On the Law on Public-Private Partnership

17 june 2016

On 1 January 2016, Federal Law No.224-FZ of 13 July 2015 on Public-Private Partnership and Municipal-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation and Amendment of Individual Statutory Acts of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the PPP Law) became effective.

The Individual Property Tax can be Increased, but Tax Privileges for Low-Income People are Needed

17 june 2016

In 2015, a law was passed to charge an individual property tax on the basis of the cadaster (market) value and not on that of state assessment of the property as it used to be done fr om 1992.

Centralization of procurement in Russia is fictitious

15 june 2016

The system of centralized procurement used in Russia does not imply centralization in its strict sense. Such conclusion was made by the Gaidar Institute and RANEPA experts in their study.

The RF Central Bank Has Reduced the Key Rate to 10.5%

14 june 2016

On 10 June, for the first time since summer 2015 the Central Bank of Russia approved reduction of the key rate. It fell 0.5 p.p. to 10.5%.

Inefficient Special Economic Zones Will Be Closed

10 june 2016

The RF Ministry of Economic Development is ordered to consider the issue of closing down inefficient special economic zones (SEZ).

The Ministry of Finance chose a favourable moment to enter the international market

26 may 2016

Earlier this week, the Russian Ministry of Finance began attracting foreign loans. The first step was the placement of 10-year government bonds in the amount of $1.75 billion.

On the abolition of the motor vehicle tax

24 may 2016

On 23 May, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on the distribution of revenues fr om excise duties on fuel. According to the law, starting from 1 June, 2016, the standard distribution of revenues from excise duties on petroleum products will be changed: 12% of them will be transferred to the federal budget, 88% – to regional budgets.

Real sector of economy in the first quarter of 2016

21 april 2016

The economic situation in January–March 2016 was determined by the inertia effect of the previous year's factors.

Finance Ministry’s actions should be exchange rate neutral

18 april 2016

The Russian Ministry of Finance is developing a new version of the budgetary rule which will restrain the ruble strengthening under oil price fluctuations. This was stated by Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

Increasing excise duties led to a rise in price of petroleum

11 april 2016

The next rise in excise duties on petroleum products has led to an increase in stock prices for petroleum and diesel fuel.

Poverty risks increase

06 april 2016

The World Bank forecasts that by the end of 2016, the number of impoverished Russians will grow by 1 million and will reach 20.3 million people.

The privatization process and the state of property relations in 2015

29 march 2016

The past year was the first year of implementing the Forecast plan (program) of federal property privatization and the guidelines of federal property privatization for 2014–2016, approved by the Russian Government decree № 1111-p from 1 July 2013.