
Less Resources of the Reserve Fund Could be Spent

12 november 2015

On 13 November 2015, the State Duma will consider in the first reading the draft federal budget which is being formed in quite complicated economic conditions for Russia – the economic crisis, sanctions and depreciation of prices on energy commodities– which affect formation of the revenue side of the budget.

The Central Bank of Russia Left the Rate Unchanged

30 october 2015

On 30 October 2015, the Central Bank of Russia made a decision to leave unchanged both the key rate and rates on its operations related to provision and absorption of liquidity.

The Existing Expenditures Cannot be Met Even in the Mid-Term Prospect

30 october 2015

On 23 October 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation introduced a draft law on the 2016 Budget to the State Duma. The budget was drawn proceeding fr om the forecast of the oil price being equal to $50 a barrel and the rate of inflation and GDP growth amounting to 6.3% and 1.2%, respectively.

Member-States of Trans-Pacific Partnership Account For 40% of the Global GDP

06 october 2015

On 5 October 2015, negotiations were over on establishment of the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TTP) which numbers 12 states of the Pacific Region, including the world’s largest economies, such as the US, Canada, Japan and Australia.

Ideal Stock Balance Saves Industrial Output from Catastrophic Slump

16 september 2015

Data released by Rosstat related to industrial statistics (for August) demonstrate a return of stagnation to negative trend – industrial output in the Russian Federation in January-August down 3.2%, and in August down 4.3% in annual terms. At the same time, compared to July 2015, industrial growth amounted to 0.2%.

On the release of the Open Budget Survey 2015

15 september 2015

On 10 September, the International Budget Partnership (IBP) released the Open Budget Survey 2015, the fifth of its kind since 2006.

What’s new in the Ministry of Defense statistics

14 september 2015

After eighteen months break, the Russian Ministry of Defense published the official departmental statistics for the years 2014 and 2015 regarding the number of military retirees, provisioned in paragraph 7.1 of the federal statistical work plan. The information was published in the “Open Data” section on the official web site.

Lack of clear sectoral planning hampers innovation development

04 september 2015

Ministry of Economic Development drafted a government resolution aimed at increasing the use of innovations by the state companies.

Stability of the budget system depends on the quality of state government

03 september 2015

The quality of state government and efficiency of budget expenses are becoming dominant domestic factors of the budget system stability, its ability to adjust to risks related to falling prices on hydrocarbons and economic growth slowdown.

Changes to the rules for individuals on reporting to tax authorities of accounts (deposits) with foreign banks outside the Russian Federation

12 august 2015

Today both Russian legal and individuals may open accounts (deposits) with foreign banks outside the Russian Federation.

The Bank of Russia Reduced the Key Rate Despite High Inflationary Expectations

31 july 2015

Last week the Bank of Russia took two important decisions regarding the monetary policy: first, from 28 July onward purchases of foreign currency to replenish international reserves were halted, and, second, from 3 August the key rage was reduced by 0.5 p.p. from 11.50 to 11.00 per cent per annum.

The Lack of Structural Reforms Creates Risks for Economic Stability

22 july 2015

At the end of June 2015, the Russian government approved "Main Directions of the Budgetary Policy for 2016 and for the Planned Period of 2017 and 2019" submitted by the Ministry of Finance.

The Banking Sector Is Teetering on the Verge of Unprofitability

21 july 2015

In early 2015, the volume of the corporate loan market contracted markedly. For January-May 2015, banks provided to legal entities new loans in the volume of Rb 11.9 trillion down 17.5% against January-May 2014 (Rb 14.4 trillion).

Industrial Patience Has Run Out

16 july 2015

According to the data released by the Rosstat, contraction of Russian industrial output in terms of year on year has speeded up from 0.4% in Q1 2015 to 4.9% in Q2 2015. Accelerated contraction was mainly due to the sectors which produce capital goods (mechanical engineering and construction materials) as well as long-term consumer goods.

Draft of Main Directions of the budget policy for 2016-2018 is released

02 july 2015

A draft of the Main Directions of the budget policy for 2015 and the planned period 2017-2018 is uploaded on the Ministry of Finance of Russia on 1 July. It was discussed and approved at the meeting of the government on 25 June.

Civil BRICS Forum proposed recommendations for leaders of countries

01 july 2015

On 29 June – 1 July 2015, Civil BRICS Forum was held in Moscow. Forum became the first innovation project of the kind on BRICS platform implemented within BRICS summit in 2015.