
Is Russian finance system resilient to external shocks?

25 june 2015

Main thesis of the Financial Stability Review released by the Bank of Russia states that "the financial system turned out to be resilient to external shocks" and "in the current circumstances repetition of the situation created in December 2014 remains unrealistic..."

The process on cancelling licenses has speeded up notably

24 june 2015

On 24 June, the Bank of Russia took decisions to cancel the licenses of two credit participants: MAST-bank which submitted to the RF CB unreliable reporting and from commercial bank TEST which was involved in carrying out dubious transactions aimed at assets outflow from Russia. Thus, in June the Bank of Russia cancelled the licenses of 10 banks.

Following the results of the PIEF 206 agreements were signed

23 june 2015

In the course of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum a total of 205 agreements, letters of understanding, frame protocols, as well as contracts were signed totaled Rb 293.6 bn.

The Bank of Russia has cut the key rate by 1 p.p.

16 june 2015

On 15 June 2015, the Bank of Russia Board of Directors took a pending decision to reduce the key rate by 1 p.p. from 12.50 to 11.50 percent per annum.

Inequality in the Income of the Population Went Down

09 june 2015

Real disposable money income of the population continue falling. For the first four months of 2015, the real disposable money income of the population fell by 2.2% compared with January–April 2014.

Mineral extraction tax (MET) revenues in shares of GDP continued growing

02 june 2015

The federal budget revenues in January-April 2015 constituted 21.2% of GDP (Rb 4,548.0bn) which is 0.6 p.p of GDP below their volume for the same period of 2014.

On the publication of statistics by the European Defence Agency (EDA)

28 may 2015

On 25 May, the EDA's Defence Data Portal released the EU member states' defence data for 2013 (minus Denmark which is not a member of the Agency), which significantly enlarges the Agency's statistics on the whole released in April, as well as specified available data across NATO countries.

The capital adequacy ratio has departed from the last year’s critical level

25 may 2015

Main current banking sector risks are attributed to the deterioration of banks’ asset quality and the deficit of attracted means leading to considerable debt of banks before the regulator.

The BR will hamper further ruble appreciation

14 may 2015

On 14 May, the Bank of Russia announced a return to foreign currency purchases in order to replenish its international reserves in the amount of $100-200 mn per day.

It was proposed to differentiate unified agricultural tax rate

14 may 2015

A few days prior to the May holidays, The State Duma received a draft federal law on the differentiation of the unified agricultural tax (UAT) rate in the rage of 0-6%.

On creation of Free Trade Zone with China we can talk not earlier 2020

12 may 2015

Eurasian economic commission announced beginning of negotiations with the PRC on trade and economic cooperation agreement

The MIC performance results in 2014

23 april 2015

The publication on 22 April on Russia's government official website of "The Main Results of the Performance of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in 2014" provides more details on the main performance results of the military industrial complex(MIC) which Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced the day before at the State Duma.

The central bank hardens the terms of provisioning FX resources

22 april 2015

The Bank of Russia has made a decision, effective since 21 April 2015, to increase minimum interest rates at FX repo auctions by 0.5 p.p. to the LIBOR plus 2 p.p. for a term of one week and 28 days and 2.5 p.p. for a term of 12 months.

Ruble-denominated prices of immovable properties are sinking in Moscow

21 april 2015

Regulator's unbiased and delicate understanding of what is really going on in the market is difficult to overestimate in times of crisis.

Preliminary results of the economic development in Q1 2015

20 april 2015

The economic situation in January–March 2015 was governed by simultaneous contraction in investment and consumer demand.

The decline in world military expenditure slowed down in 2014

16 april 2015

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) released on 13 April its annual SIPRI Yearbook of world military expenditure in 2014.