Research arears

The Institute conducts both academic and applied research in particular subfields of economics, and acts as a consulting body for Russian state authorities at a variety of levels on issues of public finance, monetary and exchange-rate policies, privatization, corporate finance, institutional reform and economic growth. Many state structures highly regard political and economic research conducted by IEP. The Institute develops and advocates its unique views in all the aforementioned areas of research. The Institute undertakes various projects for state authorities and renders consulting services to the largest Russian companies.

In its Researach Gaidar Institute focuses on the following arears:

  • Macroeconomics and Finance (macroeconomic trends, monetary policy, fiscal policy, fiscal federalism, forecasts of socio-economic indicators, digital finance research).
  • Real sector  (problems of economic development, structural problems of the economy, industrial organization and infrastructure economics, foreign economic activity).
  • Poitical Economy and Institutional Development  (corporate governance and ownership rights, social sphere development, international best practice analysis, institutional problems, municipal development, development of legal acts).

In Addition, the Institute focuses on the following activities:

  • Joint research with foreign and international academic, economic and financial organizations.
  • Study and summarize international experience in the theory and application of economic reform.
  • Consulting for governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Conducting and funding social and economic research.
  • Providing financial and material support to non-profit, public and other organizations whose aims and objectives are in line with those of the Institute.
  • Editorial, publishing and information.
  • Make arrangement and finance training and retraining of research staff (postgraduate studies, implementation of the New Economic Education project, organization of conferences and seminars, etc.).

The main research findings are presented in annual reviews Russian Economy. Trends and Outlooks, series of books Economy in Transition, Research Paper Series, journals Economic Policy, English-language journal Russian Journal of Economics, as well as in publications by the Institute's experts. Since February 2015, a monthly analytical review Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook has been published tracking current trends and changes in the Russian economy. Since 2024, the Gaidar Institute has been releasing a monthly Monitoring of International Trends in Legal Regulation in the Digital Economy, which is based on research of current and prospective issues of legal regulation of digital technologies and economy abroad and in Russia.

Since April 2008, IEP releases electronic academic monthly Scientific Bulletin. The publication features articles which content relates to various aspects of the Russian economic forecasting, including the bulletin Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Socio-Economic Indicators of the Russian Federation among other.

Reviews and other publications of the Institute, reports and the most significant findings of the completed research are sent to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Federation Council, also circulated to ministries and departments, regional authorities, academic institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, international organizations, and the media. Every year the Institute prepares more than 200 memorandums, scientific reports, policy proposals, draft documents, references, reviews, and comments.