
The crisis will drive Russia to spend less on its participation in international organizations

18 february 2015

Russia's withdrawal fr om G8 and the suspension of Russia's credentials in the Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) makes one think about how valuable international organizations are for Russia's economy and policy at present.

A tax maneuver makes EEU less attractive

17 february 2015

The decline of global prices of energy resources, the economic problems in Russia and a tax maneuver make this country less attractive for its partners within the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).

A lower CBR key rate will ramp up inflation

05 february 2015

The Bank of Russia's decision to lower the key rate to 15% from 17% may turn out to be an extremely bad signal of drastic changes in the monetary policy (MP) priorities.

Bank of Russia key rate moderately down

30 january 2015

On January 30, 2015 the Bank of Russia Board of Directors made a decision to lower the key rate to 15% from 17%. The interest rate was lowered "due to the shift in the balance of risks of accelerated consumer price growth and cooling economy", explained the Central Bank of Russia.

The S&P rating downgrade has no drastic impact on Russia’s economy

27 january 2015

Standard and Poor's (S&P) downgraded the sovereign foreign currency credit rating of Russia on January 26, 2015 to ВВ+ from ВВВ- with a negative outlook.

Industrial production in 2014

27 january 2015

In 2014, industrial production growth stood at 1.7% year on year.

Military-Industrial Commission meeting summary

23 january 2015

The Military-Industrial Commission (MIC) of the Russian Federation held its first meeting this year in Novo-Ogarevo, on the 20th of January.

Too much pessimism reinforces negative expectations of economic agents

20 january 2015

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has slashed its forecast on Russia's economy, expecting it to plunge to 4.8% from 0.2% compared with the previous year (according to the version dated October 2014).

Capital outflow in 2014 – far short of a record

19 january 2015

At the end of last year, capital outflow appeared to be 2.5 times that in 2013 – $151,5bn instead of $61bn the year before last.

Slide in fundraising could be offset by strengthening the endowment with immovable property

19 january 2015

The subject matter of strengthening a special-purpose capital (endowment) with immovable property is topical nowadays, and the community is being increasingly interested in this for the reason of having to seek for and develop so called alternative investment.

Relaxing beer excise tax policy to encourage economic growth

19 january 2015

Imposing a temporal moratorium on the introduction of new legislative initiatives relating the brewing industry and putting the beer into a stand-alone category will promote economic growth and improve the alcoholism data.

A tax maneuver can refocus integration inside the EEU

16 january 2015

A panel discussion, Challenges of Eurasian Integration in the Context of Modern Trade and Economic Processes in the Post-Soviet Territory, was held as part of the Gaidar Forum 2015.

Islamic finance as an alternative to the traditional financial system

16 january 2015

A panel discussion, Islamic Finance: Prospects, Opportunities, Risks, was held as part of the Gaidar Forum 2015, at which the issues of Islamic finance as a source of new opportunities and prospects for development of the financial system and economy as a whole were discussed.

The Bank of Russia should devote more time to explaining its policy

16 january 2015

A panel discussion, Challenges in the Monetary Policy under New Conditions, was held as part of the Gaidar Forum 2015.

A discussion on tax legislation pressing issues

16 january 2015

A panel discussion, Pressing Issues of Tax Legislation, was held as part of the Gaidar Forum 2015.

CGE model allows for assessment of the impact of changes in the economic policy

16 january 2015

A panel discussion, Russia's Economy in a General Economic Equilibrium Model, was at the Gaidar Forum 2015 by the International Budget Sustainability Research Department of the Gaidar Institute and RANEPA, headed by Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics at Boston University.