
The proposed changes will not degrade the quality of HR potential of the Russian Science

04 april 2013

On March 21, 2013, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia presented a dart federal law "On the Amendments to Certain Legal Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Enhancement of Mechanisms of Regulation of Researchers' Labor, as well as Financial Instruments and Mechanisms of Support to Scientific Activities in of the Russian Federation". This draft law provides for a series of amendments and supplements to the labor and tax codes, as well as to the Federal Law dd. August 23, 1996, No.127-FZ "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy".

Military-industrial sector production in 2012

04 april 2013

On April 3, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia delayed for two months against the previous year its report on the industrial production index in 2012, which stood at 102.6% and statistics by industry, including the military-industrial sector.

More intensive cut in interest rates was an undefended measure

03 april 2013

On April 2, the Bank of Russia decided to leave unchanged its refinancing rate as well as most of interest rates on principal operations.


Oil production industry is approaching its maximum production capacity

02 april 2013

In January-February 2013, crude oil production reduced by 0.7% year on year. It is an evidence of that the Russian oil production industry is approaching its maximum production capacity.

All signs of stagnation are present now

01 april 2013

Economists are even more skeptical about achieving economic growth rates and a 5% growth of GDP in years to come.


Regional subsidies should be consolidated

29 march 2013

Ways of reforming the system of intergovernmental fiscal transfers, in particular consolidation and distribution of subsidies were discussed at the Russian Government meeting which was held on March 28.

Region performance measurement methods are changed far too often

29 march 2013

A package of measures developed by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and aimed at stimulating executive authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation to invite investments to regions was considered at the Russian Government meeting held on March 28.

Capital outflow has been concentrated exclusively in large banks over the last few months

29 march 2013

Banks invested more than Rb 300bn ($10bn) in foreign assets in February. Growth in foreign borrowings and other borrowings from non-residents amounted to mere $2.5bn. Thus, net foreign assets of banks increased by $7.5bn to reach a record of $74bn in February.

Russia’s export downward trend still remains unchanged

28 march 2013

Russia's export reduction trend, which emerged as early as 2012, remained unchanged at the beginning of 2013.

General inflation in the country keeps its non-monetary nature

28 march 2013

Inflation remained stable in March: consumer price quantum index stood at 0.3% after 18 days in the month. In February, inflation decreased notably after a jump in consumer prices in January: consumer price quantum index declined from 1 до 0.6% at the end of the month.

300,000 former entrepreneurs will go to labor market and get registered as unemployed

27 march 2013

One of these days the President of Russia Vladimir Putin will commission the Russian Government to reconsider the expedience of raising imputed social transfers payable by individual entrepreneurs.


Russia’s budget system can be described as ‘unstable balance’

27 march 2013

According to the Federal Treasury of Russia, the volume of federal budget revenues amounted to Rb 1.98 trillion in January-February 2013, showing a decrease of 2.3 p.p. of GDP year on year. The volume of federal budgetary expenditures also decreased to 23.6 % of GDP (Rb 2239.5bn) in January-February 2013, showing a decrease of 0.3 p.p. of GDP year on year.

The offshore history of Cyprus has come to its end

26 march 2013

On Monday night the Cypriots found out how to prevent Cyprus from default. The island country will receive 10bn euro of financing from the European Commission, European Central Bank, and IMF. Though no disputable tax on bank deposits was imposed, two largest banks which suffered from Greece debts remission - Bank of Cyprus and Cyprus Popular Bank (Laiki) -- will have to fall victims.


Refined data on capital investments in 2011–2012

20 march 2013

The Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat) published refined data on investment volumes in 2011-2012 and adjusted growth rate data in comparable prices for the period between 2001 and 2012.

Cyprian offshores – an evil which used to work smoothly

20 march 2013

The Cyprian Government delegation headed by Minister of Finance Michalis Sarris arrived to Moscow on March 20 to negotiate with the Russian Government on billion dollar loans in exchange for holding an interest in Cyprian banks and energy assets.


The dynamics of the industry in February 2013

19 march 2013

The tendency towards a steady slowdown in industrial production continued throughout 2012. In December 2012, the rate of industrial production amounted to 101.4% of the previous year.