
The President should ease confidentiality

24 april 2013

The US civil society demands that the US President ease confidentiality. Thirty one non-governmental organizations requested for the same in a letter addressed to President Obama on April 23.

Russia’s GDP could have fallen still further

23 april 2013

Indeed, the current global economic situation has some kind of effect on slow economic growth rates in Russia.

Recession of the Russian economy: a lagged panic

22 april 2013

Feasibility of increasing the government budget expenditures as a measure of economic growth incentive in Russia should have been discussed at least two years ago.

Russian industry in Q1 2013

17 april 2013

Industrial production dynamics at the beginning of the current year was determined by the decline of economic growth, formed in H2 of 2012.

Global military expenditure in 2012

16 april 2013

On April 15 the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published its Fact Sheet of trends in global military expenditure in 2012 which is traditionally published prior to the SIPRI Yearbook in June.

Russia’s industrial production has deteriorated the most over the last three years

16 april 2013

The composite indicator of a business survey of managers of Russian enterprises shows that early in 2013 the Russian industry deteriorated the most over the last three years.

The Central Bank makes repo operations more flexible

15 april 2013

On April 15 the Bank of Russia began to conduct over-the-counter repo operations which were announced last year.

US Draft Budget for fiscal year 2014

15 april 2013

On April 10, two months after the due date, the US Office of Management and Budget published the US draft budget for fiscal year 2014, in which it was proposed to reduce the US Department of Defense's expenses by $3.9bn (or 0.7%) to 526.6bn (3.1% of GDP) against the current ones.


The adoption of the FPS will extend the law-making on government procurement

12 april 2013

On April 5 the President of Russia signed a Federal Law "On the Federal Purchasing System" (FPS). The FPS must replace the long-suffering Federal Law No. 94 (FZ-94) which has been regulating government procurement since the mid-2000s.


Diversification of the economy will take extra time

12 april 2013

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia (MEDT) cannot rule out that the Russian economy may suffer recession in the upcoming fall, as the Head of the Ministry Andrei Belousov said in Blagoveshchensk. The MEDT will suggest measures aimed at stimulating the economy.


The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia has refined economic development figures in 2013

12 april 2013

In the first quarter, macroeconomic situation was characterized by simultaneous slowdown in growth rates of external and internal demand. According to a preliminary estimation, the first quarter saw an absolute reduction of export volumes.

A new Chairwoman of the Central Bank of Russia will ensure consistency of the monetary policy course

11 april 2013

On April 9, the State Duma approved Elvira Nabiullina as the Chairwoman of the Bank of Russia. In her speech she outlined a few milestones of a new monetary policy. The general idea of the speech is as follows: the new Head of the Central Bank of Russia will adhere to the previous balance between stimulating and inflation policy.

The increase of mineral extraction tax by 5% will not compensate the shortfall of federal budget revenues

10 april 2013

On April 10, the Ministry of Finance of Russia suggested to raise by 5% the mineral extraction tax on oil, according to the statement made for journalists by the Head of the Ministry Anton Siluanov.

Margaret Thatcher helped Great Britain regain self-confidence

09 april 2013

For me, the Iron Lady will always remain a gold standard of adhesion to her ideals and unbending spirit aimed at accomplishing these ideals. She managed to pull Great Britain out of the abyss of dependency and socialistic demagoguery, into which the country was slowly but steadily sinking after the WW2.


Economic growth should be based on a new model

09 april 2013

According to our estimates, GDP growth rate in Russia is approaching its trend or structural (in other words, maximum possible, given the existing production factors) value of approx. 3-4% against the previous year, as is evidenced by a zero value of the output gap which shows percentage of deviation of actual GDP from structural one.

Concern leads to a decrease in current operations which are not related to oil and gas exports

05 april 2013

On April 4, the Bank of Russia intervened in the domestic foreign exchange market for the first time since November 2012.