
It is Worthwhile to Preserve the Flat Individual Income Tax Schedule

21 june 2013

Within the frameworks of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Igor Shuvalov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation said that it would be expedient to introduce a progressive tax on individual income from 2018.

Measures Effective in the Short-Term Prospect will Result in the Inflation Rate

19 june 2013

The IMF revised downward the forecast of growth of Russian economy in 2013 from 3.3% to 2.5%.

Russian Industry in May 2003

19 june 2013

In May 2013, the Industrial Production Index amounted to 98.6% year on year; as compared to January-May 2012 it was equal to 100.2%.

Economic Guidelines are Obscure and Not Underpinned by Financial Resources

17 june 2013

On June 13, Vladimir Putin presented a fundamental document of strategic planning; the above document determines the main guidelines of the budgetary policy for the next three years - the Budget Message of the President of the Russian Federation.

A Compromise Measure Solves the Problem of Small Business Withdrawing into the Shadows

17 june 2013

Last week, the State Duma approved in the first reading the draft law which provides for reduction of the amount of insurance pension contribution for individual entrepreneurs (IE).

We Can Grant Cheap Loans, But It Will Result in the Next Crisis

13 june 2013

In a search for incentives of economic growth, Andrei Belousov, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has recently proposed to entrust monetary authorities with the right to set and control indicative rates on bank loans to companies.

No Business Boom is Expected in the Short-Term and Mid-Term Prospect

13 june 2013

As is known, in most developed economies enterprising is a foundation of economic growth and development.

Mending of Investment holes by Means of Sovereign Funds is a Bad Sign

11 june 2013

The debates on the issue on how to use funds fr om export commodity super profits arise in each country wh ere such super profits are accumulated.

The Bank of Russia Has Preserved the Monetary Policy Trend

11 june 2013

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation did not result in a change in the monetary policy: as before the Bank of Russia made a decision to leave unchanged the rate of refinancing, as well as interest rates on operations related to liquidity absorption and short-term liquidity provision.

Establishment of an Independent Committee on Financial Stability Would be a More Efficient Measure

10 june 2013

A draft law aimed at upgrading of regulation, control and supervision on the financial market has recently been submitted to the State Duma. The document provides for amendment of the RF Code of Administrative Violations as regards assignment to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of authorities of the Federal Financial Markets Service in respect of imposition of administrative sanctions.

The Larger the Bank the Cheaper the Loan

05 june 2013

The year 2012 was characterized by higher cost of a bank loan to borrowers of the real sector. In 2013, that trend continued.


Excessive Bureaucratic Administration is an Institutional Barrier

05 june 2013

The Business Research Center of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) has recently released the outputs of the survey of managers of 4,600 large and mid-sized enterprises. The survey was carried out in May.

Households’ Real Disposable Income Grows from the Beginning of the Year

04 june 2013

In the four months of 2013, households' real disposable income rose by 5.9% as compared to the respective period of 2012 which situation is related to growth both in wages and salaries and pensions.

Trend Towards Drop in Investments in Capital Assets Intensifies

03 june 2013

In April 2013, slowdown of economic growth was determined by weakening of the dynamics of investment demand.

Growth in Households’ Loan Debt to Banks Slowed Down

31 may 2013

On the basis of the results of April 2013, annual growth rates of households' loan debt to banks fell to 36%. Growth in unsecured loans slowed down a great deal from the peak value of over 60% in summer 2012 to 47% in the 1st quarter of 2013.

Russia has no labor force deficit

29 may 2013

There is a wide-spread point of view among experts that Russia is facing labor force deficit. In particular, Sergei Aleksashenko, Director of Macroeconomic Research at Higher School of Economics, National Research University, expressed such a view in his interview to Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) radio station on May 22. According to Aleksashenko, Russia should employ migrant labor on a large scale.