
A Few Words about the Recently Published Laws on the Federal Budget

21 december 2012

On 7 December, the RF Ministry of Finance published on its web site Federal Law, of 3 December 2012, No 216-FZ ‘On the Federal Budget for 2013 and the 2014-2015 Planning Period’. On 11 December, another law was posted  on the same web site – Federal Law, of 3 December 2012, No 247-FZ ‘On the Introduction of Alterations into the Federal Law ‘On the Federal Budget for 2012 and the 2013-2014 Planning Period’’.  

The Collection of Excise Duties and Mineral Resources Extraction Tax Increases by More Than 20%

20 december 2012

A few days ago the RF Federal Tax Service published data on the tax-generated revenues of the RF consolidated budget in the period from January through November 2012. The total volume of tax-generated revenues amounted to Rb 9,911.8bn, which was 12.8% more than in the corresponding period of 2011. 

The State Duma has passed the "Anti-Smoking Law" in the First Reading

17 december 2012

The State Duma has passed in the first reading the government bill "On Protection of Public Health from Exposure to Tobacco Smoke and Smoking Effects", which became even somewhat notorious as the "Antismoking Law". 429 deputies have supported the document, 2 voted against it, there were abstentions.


The Figure of 25 Million Jobs is not Accidental

12 december 2012

On December 12, the Russian President Vladimir Putin in a message to the Federal Assembly set a target to create and upgrade 25 million jobs by 2020.


Investments in Fixed capital Grow Faster than GDP, but their Efficiency is Downgrading

11 december 2012

In October 2012 Russian Statistics Service has published the updated indicators of volumes and dynamics of investments in fixed assets. Adjustments were made to the indicators for the period from April to September 2012.

The Bank of Russia has left the Majority of Interest Iates Unchanged

10 december 2012

On December 10 the Bank of Russia announced that it has remained unchanged the refinancing rate and most interest rates on of its major operations.


The Proposed Amendments to the RF Tax Code will Complicate the Relationship between the Federation and its Subjects

06 december 2012

In late October of this year the Draft Federal Law "On Amendments to Part II of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" (Bill No. 157491-6) 1 was submitted for review to the State Duma. It proposes to provide complete exemption from all federal taxes to the Russian organizations, incorporated in the Subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as to individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation, permanently residing, registered and engaged in business as individual entrepreneurs in those Subjects.


The Bank of Russia is Increasing Information Transparency

05 december 2012

On December 3, the Bank of Russia started to publish the forecast of factors underlying the formation of banking sector liquidity.


The tax burden in Russia is not Excessively high

05 december 2012

Recently Igor Shuvalov, the First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia noted that taxes in Russia in the next 6 years will not grow, and any new solution in regard to tax burden will be aimed at reduction thereof.

Russian Issuers Run Away to London

03 december 2012

According to Bloomberg, in November, the turnovers for 6 most marketable securities of Russian companies at Moscow International Stock Exchange (MICEX) went down up to 40.1%, London Stock Exchange, LSE up to 59.9% and were respectively equal to $12.8 bln and $19,2 bln. In October, the state of affairs looked slightly better: the Russian site had 43.5% as compared to London's one with its 56.5%.


Industrial Production Is Slowing Down across All Parameters

03 december 2012

In industry, the key indicators, such as demand, output, prices, are slowing down again.


Unplaced Defense Order Is Unlikely to Be Executed

30 november 2012

On the last Sunday of November, an ambiguous situation with the execution of the 2012 state defense order, due to the efforts of Russian TV central channels suddenly was shown under the new light which did not make it clearer but gave it additional shade.


World Market Outlook Promotes Trade Surplus Growth

30 november 2012

The world market outlook still remains favorable for Russian exporters.

Credit Indebtness Is Growing Faster Than Deposits

29 november 2012

In the current year, the increase of retail bank deposits steadily isn't catching up with the increase of credit indebtness. Within 10 months the net household savings have decreased by 691 bln rubles including October decrease by 137 bln rubles.

Long-Term Investments at the Stock Market Should Be Exempted fr om Tax

28 november 2012

The RF Ministry of Finance discusses the possibility to equalize the tax assessment for interest yield fr om individuals' deposit, bonds and shares. It is suggested that there should be established a lim it of tax-exempt total income. It can be about 1mln rubles a year.

Russia Is Expected to Go Through Proceedings in WTO

28 november 2012

In accordance with agreements related to Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization, in the nearest future our country will have to reduce the import customs duties for different automobiles.