
On the Prospective Scenarios for Introducing Tax on Immovable Property

30 june 2011

One of the key directions of this country’s budget policy for the years 2011 – 2013 that were outlined in the RF President’s Budget Message published on 29 June 2011 is the necessity to speed up the decision-making process with regard to introducing tax on immovable property in the medium term. In this connection the Head of the State noted that this tax should be introduced depending on the completion of cadastre estimation of capital construction objects in those RF subjects where such an estimation had actually taken place, so that the tax could be levied beginning fr om 20121.

On the proposal to extend the benefits provided to "Skolkovo” residents

29 june 2011

Amendments to the legislation extending the benefits provided to residents of the innovation center Skolkovo have been prepared1 .

Russia to lift a ban on grain exports on July 1, 2011

28 june 2011

In 2009-2010 marketing season grain exports from Russia amounted to more than 21 million tons, whereas in the current marketing season 2010-2011 - about 4 million tons.

The Bank of Russia continues to tighten the monetary policy

30 may 2011

On 30 May the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia decided to maintain the same level of interest rates of CBR on operations to provide liquidity to credit institutions. Simultaneously, the Bank of Russia increased its interest rates for deposit operations by 0.25 percentage point.

Global oil market and the “gasoline crisis” in Russia

27 may 2011

The recovery of the global economy, which followed the financial crisis, determined the impact on the global oil market.

First results of the National Research Universities Development program

26 may 2011

Since 2009 the government implements a large-scale support of selected universities by giving them on a competitive basis a special status – National Research University (NRU). 29 state universities became research ones during 2009 and 2010.

About the situation in the military-industrial complex

18 may 2011

The second week of May was marked by significant events which took place in the Russian military-industrial policy.

On amendments of accounting regulatory control in the state (municipal) organizations

11 may 2011

From 2011 budgetary organizations should apply the new chart of accounts introduced to replace invalid instructions on budgetary accounting, approved by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Finance on 30 December 2008 No. 148n.  

The Bank of Russia raised the refinancing rate to 8.25%

04 may 2011

On 29 April the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia decided to raise the refinancing rate fr om 8% to 8,25% annual and by the same amount the majority of interests rates of CBR operations of provision and adsorption of liquidity for credit institutions.

The Initiative to Establish a Regional Investment Support Fund

25 april 2011

At a plenary meeting of the VIII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, Ministry of Finance of Russia A.L. Kudrin held out the prospect of establishing a special fund to stimulate support for investments in the Russian regions beginning with January 1, 20121.

What Is Going to Happen with the Rb. Exchange Rate over the Next Half-Year

13 april 2011

In next one to two quarters, Ruble will continue its gradual appreciation and within several months the value of the bi-currency basket may hit the level of 33 Rb.

World Trade in 2010

11 april 2011

According to WTO the volume of world trade returned to its pre-crisis levels: 2010 exports went up by 14.5% as a result of recovery trade activity in 2010.

Why Russian Economy Stopped Depending on the Oil Prices

08 april 2011

Commentary to the publication: Crude Oil Will not Help // Vedomosty, 06.04.2011, 60 (2826)
The Ministry of Economic Development has decided that oil will not be cheaper and upgraded forecast of the average price for this year to a record $ 105 a barrel. But it will not help the economy: GDP forecast has not changed.

GDP Growth in 2011 May Exceed 4%

07 april 2011

According to official assessment given by the Chairman of the CBR, Sergey Ignatiev, GDP growth may exceed 4% by the end of the year.

2011 forecast for the Reserve Fund

06 april 2011

Overall volume of the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation as of 1 April 2011 constituted 748,530,000,000 Rubles, which did not differ much from what it was at the beginning of the year. Indeed, the Reserve Fund did not receive in the 1st quarter 2011 proceeds from oil and gas revenues, nor went to expense to balance the federal budget.

Comments to the publication “Economic Statistics”

05 april 2011

"Expert Online" 1 April 2011
The volume of Russia’s 2010 GDP constituted 44,939,200,000 Rubles in current prices. The physical volume of GDP went up by 4% against 2009, informs Rosstat.