
Federal Budget Deficit: Are There Any Reasons for Anxiety?

15 march 2012

According to the preliminary estimates published by the RF Ministry of Finance, the federal budget for January - February 2012 was executed with a deficit of $ 245.3bn, or 3.0% of GDP.

Foreign Investments in Russia

14 march 2012

In 2011, the inflow of foreign investment into the Russian Federation rose on 2010 by 66.1% – to $ 190.6bn

On the Execution of the Federal Budget in January 2012

28 february 2012

On 10 February, the RF Ministry of Finance (Minfin) released its preliminary estimates of the execution of the federal budget in January 2012.

On the Release, by Rosstat, of Preliminary Estimates of RF GDP Growth in 2011

22 february 2012

According to the preliminary estimates published by Rosstat on 21 February 2012, Russia's current-price GDP in 2011 amounted to Rb 54,369.1bn. GDP physical volume rose by 4.3% on 2010 . The GDP deflator for 2011 rose by 15.4% on 2010.

Innovation Activity in Russia

20 february 2012

In late 2011, Rosstat issued its Russian statistical annual, a collection of articles entitled Regions of Russia. Socio-economic Indices, which presents the basic indicators of the innovation activity in Russia.

About the Situation on the Russian Labor Market in 2011

25 january 2012

In 2011, the number of the economically active population in Russia amounted to 75.7m people of which 70.7m were gainfully employed, while 5.0, unemployed (according to the ILO's methods).

The Results of the Industry in 2011

24 january 2012

In 2011, growth in industrial production was of a recovery nature with a return to the pre-crisis development curve and the effect of the base determined to a great extent the specifics of the dynamics throughout the year.

Inflation in Russia in 2011

12 january 2012

According to Rosstat, in 2011 the consumer price growth rate in Russia amounted to 6.1%, thus demonstrating this country's historic low for the entire period of its latest history since 1991.

The RF Ministry of Defense Releases Its Statistics

30 december 2011

Shortly before New Year's Eve, Russia's Ministry of Defense published its official statistics envisaged in the Federal Statistics Plan .

Exchange Rate Policy

28 december 2011

On 27 December, the Bank of Russia widened the ruble's trading band against its target dollar-euro basket from 5 to 6 rubles. At the same time, the regulator will now shift the borders of the basket's corridor by 5 kopecks after buying or selling $ 500m worth of foreign currency. The previous amount for a trading band shift was $ 600m.

The Bank of Russia Announces Changes in Rates

23 december 2011

On 23 December, the Bank of Russia announced that, from 26 December 2011, the refinancing rate would be reduced by 0.25 p.p. - from 8.25% per annum to 8% per annum; interest rates on some lending standing facilities would also be cut by 0.25 p.p.; and interest rates on the Bank of Russia deposit standing facilities would be raised by 0.25 p.p.

The Results of the Execution of Russia’s Federal Budget for January-November 2011

16 december 2011

According to preliminary estimates released by the RF Ministry of Finance, in January-November 2011 Russia's federal budget was executed with a surplus of Rb 1.3 trillion.

To Publication of the Law on the Federal Budget in 2012

08 december 2011

On December 6, Federal Law No.371-FZ of November 30, 2011 on the Federal Budget in 2012 and the Planning periods of 2013 and 2014 was published in the PDF file format (179 Mbyte) on the Web-site of the Ministry of Finance.

The Bank of Russia Announces a Number of Changes

28 november 2011

On 25 November 2011, the RF Central Bank announced its decision that, from 5 December 2011 onwards, the minimum credit rating threshold established for an issuer of securities, so that those securities could be entered on the Mortgage List of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, is to be lowered.

A Remark on the Article "The Black Hole of the Russian Budget’"

25 november 2011

On 15 November 2011, Voennoe Obozrenie [Military Review] published Aleksey Volodin's article "The Black Hole of the Russian Budget".

On the Consolidated Budget of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation in 2012

14 november 2011

According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in 2012 the consolidated budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be a deficit one and with the macroeconomic parameters taken into account it will amount to Rb 47.5bn. (0.081% of the GDP)1.