A decree to memorialize Yegor Gaidar

On May 17, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree to memorialize Yegor Gaidar.


"Taking into consideration the contribution of Yegor Gaidar in establishing the Russian state and carrying out economic reforms, I hereby resolve to approve the initiative of organizations and public figures to perpetuate the memory of Gaidar," Medvedev said in the decree.

The president has ordered the government to found 10 scholarships named after Gaidar, worth 1,500 rubles ($50) each, for the students of economic faculties of state universities.

Medvedev also recommended that the Moscow city authorities consider installing a memorial tablet on the building of the Institute for the Economy in Transition and name a Moscow education institution after Gaidar.

The Institute for the Economy in Transition, a center of research in theoretical and applied economics, may now be named after its former director.