
Russia’s economy at its production capacity limit

14 november 2014

The Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) has published the preliminary Q3 2014 results, showing that Russia's GDP growth rates stood at 0.7% relative to the same period last year, less than in Q1 (0.9%) and Q2 (0.8%).

Three sources to balance regional budgets

12 november 2014

The federal budget has recently been playing an essential role in total balance of regional budgets.

All scenarios only consider the ways of economy’s survival

11 november 2014

A few days ago the Central Bank of Russia submitted to the State Duma a draft guidelines for the single monetary policy, also including Central Bank's updated version of the macroeconomic development projection for 2015-2017.

The Option of Unexpected Interventions by the Central Bank of Russia will Contribute to Higher Prudence of Market Players

10 november 2014

On November 10, the Central Bank of Russia announced the abandonment of the existing mechanisms of the exchange rate policy by giving up both the use of the interval of admissible values of the ruble cost of the bi-currency basket and regular interventions not only at the limits of the interval, but also beyond them.

A Switchover to a Floating Exchange Rate will Permit the Ruble to Find a New Equilibrium

05 november 2014

From November 5, 2014, with the ruble value of the bi-currency basket amounting to the limits of the operating interval the volume of interventions by the Central Bank of Russia will not exceed $350m a day. In addition to the above, an intervention by the regulator will be possible only in case of the bi-currency basket's value being at the limits of the interval or beyond it during the entire trading session. So, fr om now on the Central Bank of Russia will not react to short-term swings of the exchange rate.

The RF Central Bank Continues to Revoke Licenses

04 november 2014

In October, the rate of revocations of bank licenses remained rather high. A total of 9 credit institutions were deprived of the right to pursue their banking activities.

Russia’s Main Losses Arise Because It Doesn’t Participate in Integration with the EU

02 november 2014

The norms of the agreement on association of Ukraine with the European Union started to be formally applied on Saturday, November 1. However, due to a tough position of Russia which protects its market the economic part of the association will be effective only fr om January 1, 2016.

Growth in the Interest Rate will Hardly Result in Appreciation of the Ruble

31 october 2014

On October 31, 2014, at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Russia a decision was taken on substantial raising of the key interest rate to 9.5% annually (growth of 1.5 p.p.).

There are No Problems with Currency Liquidity in the Russian Economy at the Moment

30 october 2014

On the other day, Alexei Kudrin, Former Finance Minister of Russia recommended the Central Bank of Russia to switch-over to the floating exchange rate of the ruble this November, rather than in 2015. Such a proposal appears quite justified.

It is Important to Release Workforce fr om Sectors with Low Efficiency

30 october 2014

In September 2014, the level of unemployment (the ratio of the number of the unemployed to the number of the gainfully employed population) amounted to 4.9%. As compared to August 2014, in September 2014 the number of the gainfully employed population decreased by 425,000 persons or 0.6%, while the number of the unemployed rose by 57,000 persons or 1.6%. As compared to September 2013, the number of the gainfully employed population increased by 179,000 or 0.2%, while the number of the unemployed fell by 270,000 persons or 6.8%.

International Reserves are Mostly Spent in Vein

29 october 2014

According to the data as of October 28, banks' debt to the Central Bank of Russia on REPO deals increased to Rb 2.9 trillion, while the debt on other loans amounted to Rb 2.9 trillion, too. It is to be noted that in a situation of the ruble depreciation the liquidity provided by the Central Bank of Russia immediately gets into the foreign exchange market and exerts further pressure on the ruble.

The Economy is Underpinned by Consumer Demand and Growth in the Trading Sectors

28 october 2014

In 2014, the macroeconomic situation is characterized by gradual slowdown of development. In September 2014, under the effect of growth in credit resources, limitation of companies' access to borrowing of funds on global financial markets and prevalence of high geopolitical risks a year-on-year drop of 2.8% in investments was observed.

Revenues fr om Privatization and State Property Management in the Draft Federal Budget for 2015-2017

24 october 2014

The draft federal budget for 2015 and the 2016-2017 planned period submitted by the Government provides for utilization of funds received from privatization of federal property as an individual source of financing of the deficit of the federal budget.


24 october 2014

There is much for advanced readers to read about the state's domestic and foreign policy priorities in the Draft budget for 2015-2017 submitted to the State Duma and already approved by the budget committee.

Mortgage lending keeps growing

22 october 2014

Mortgage residential lending kept growing in the period of January to August 2014. As of September 1, 2014, 619026 residential mortgage loans (RMLs) at Rb 1,07 trillion were issued, a gain of 27.47% quantitatively and 36.33% in value vs. the volume of lending observed during the corresponding period of 2013.

There are No Reasons for Downward Revision of Russia’s Rating

21 october 2014

On October 24, the Standard & Poor's Rating Agency is going to revise Russia's sovereign rating.