
The Existing Growth Factors Can Maintain the Economy Maximum for Three Years

26 june 2014

On the other day, Alexei Ulyukaev, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation made public the position of the Ministry of Economic Development as regards the expected economic growth rates in 2014.

Regional banks facing a serious competition challenge

26 june 2014

This is a reason for which small regional banks will face an increasing difficulty in competing with, firstly, large regional banks and, secondly, federal banks, because large banks have, among other things, easy access to low-cost financing from the central bank and to the interbank lending market.

On State Guarantees to the Russian Military-Industrial Complex in 2014

25 june 2014

On July 24, a number of the mass media, including the Rossiiskaya Gazeta, a state daily published the information of the official document to Resolution No.1060-r of June 16, 2014 of the Government of the Russian Federation (published on June 23) that the volume of state guarantees for enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex (MIC) would amount to about Rb 380bn (to be more precise – Rb 377.8bn).

The Low Level of the Rate of Unemployment Does Not Help the Russian Economy

23 june 2014

The Rosstat published the data on the social and economic situation of Russia in January-May 2014. So, according to the preliminary outputs of the sample employment survey of households in May 2014 3.7m people or 4.9% of the gainfully occupied population was classified as the unemployed.

Manufacturing Growth is Recovering in Russia

19 june 2014

From February 2014, speed-up of industrial growth rates has been registered. In May 2014, the industrial production index amounted to 102.8% and 101.7% as compared to May 2013 and January-May 2013, respectively.

The Economy is Shrinking While Officials’ Salaries are Growing

19 june 2014

The Rosstat has published the data on the number of state and municipal civil servants at the regional level and their labor remuneration in Q1 2014.

Russia’s Position in the Global Peace Index Improved

18 june 2014

Russia took the 152nd place among 162 countries in the 2014 Global Peace Index published by the International Institute of Economy and Peace (Sydney, Australia and New York, the USA).

The Central Bank of Russia Promotes the Role of Market Factors in the Process of Formation of the Exchange Rate

18 june 2014

On June 17, the Central Bank of Russia made a decision on increasing flexibility of the exchange rate policy.

Without a Serious Fundamental Base, It is Groundless to Speak About a New Growth Trend

10 june 2014

The Rosstat has recently made public a new assessment of Russian GDP growth rates in May 2014. According to that assessment, last month’s growth amounted to 0.5% and sustained stagnation was observed in the Russian economy.

The European Central Bank Stimulates Investment Activities in the Euro Area

06 june 2014

On June 5, the European Central Bank reduced the key interest rate by 0.1 p.p. fr om 0.25% per annum to 0.15% per annum, as well as the overnight deposit rate from 0% to -0.1% per annum. The lending rate decreased from 0.75% per annum to 0.4% per annum.

Real accrued wages per worker go up

04 june 2014

In the period between January and April of 2014, the household real disposable income accounted for 98.8% of the value seen in the same period of 2013. The measures aimed at implementing the Russian President's Executive Order of May 7, 2012, No. 597 On Measures to Implement State Social Policy for 2012 are still resulting in a faster growth in wages in education and healthcare and social services. In Q1 2014, the level of inequality slightly improved compared to that in Q1 2013.

Russia has a potential to boost grain exports

02 june 2014

Possessing the world's largest reserves of fertile lands (accounting for 55% of the world's fertile lands, of which 25% are arable lands, according to the World Bank's estimates), Russia may turn into a key player in providing the global food security. Over the last 25 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the former importer has turned into a world's largest grain exporter.

In North Caucasus, There is a Lack of Real Institutions

30 may 2014

In mid-May, the Ministry for Development of Regions of North Caucasus was established. Earlier, experts made forecasts that after the Olympic Games in Sochi the North Caucasian Federal District would be abolished and merged with the Southern Federal District. However, no aggregation of governing entities took place. On the contrary, in accordance with the model which has already been tested in the Far East and Crimea apart from the office of the special representative the Ministry for Development of Regions of North Caucasus was established.

The ruble’s depreciation kick-starts investment growth in mortgage residential lending

29 may 2014

The total volume of mortgage residential loans (MRLs) provided in Q1 2014 was 47.43% above the volume of such loans provided in Q1 2013. Furthermore, a total of 198082 loans worth Rb 334,73bn were provided during the quarter. The contraction of the share of overdue liability on MRLs is indicative of ongoing deterioration in the quality of mortgage loans.

Stabilization of the Ruble will Permit to Reduce the Effect of Transfer of the Exchange Rate Value into Prices

29 may 2014

At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Alexei Ulyukaev, Minister of Economic Development said that in 2014 the maximum value of the inflation rate would be reached at the end of May and it would amount to 7.5% per annum.

The Russian Central Bank’s Forecast of the Capital Outflow at the Level of $85bn is Fairly Realistic

27 may 2014

Within the frameworks of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Elvira Nabiullina, Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia said that in 2014 the Russian Central Bank forecasted a capital outflow fr om Russia at the level of $85bn-$90bn. It is to be noted that only in Q1 2014 the capital outflow amounted to $63bn with internal conversion and purchasing of cash foreign currency by households and companies accounting for two thirds of that amount.