
Surpassing of Last Year’s Growth Rates of Investments into Capital Assets is Hardly Possible

20 december 2013

The situation in the investment area remains rather complicated despite the fact that in November 2013 the growth rates of investments in capital assets year on year entered the positive area and amounted to 100.2% after a sustained drop in the past three months.

The New Statistics of the Ministry of Defense

20 december 2013

After a year-long break, in the section: The Open Data of the Web-site of the Ministry of Defense the official statistics of the above Ministry provided for by Cl. 7.1 of the Federal Plan of Statistical Work was published.

Russian Holdings Plan to Give Up Offshore Services

20 december 2013

On December 19, it became known that a number of large Russian companies – KamAZ, RusHydro and Rusal – declared that they supported deoffsorization of Russian economy and intended to abandon their offshore structures.

The Year of Lost Opportunities

20 december 2013

According to A Klepach, Deputy Minister of Economic Development "the year of 2013 became the year of lost opportunities in terms of creation of new incentives for economy and prevention of economic slowdown". According to official estimates, within eleven months of 2013 GDP growth rates amounted to 1.3% as compared to the previous year which index corresponds the 2013 forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF (1.4%).

In December the Rate of Inflation will Accelerate due to Higher Cost of Dairy Products

20 december 2013

In December, the rate of inflation kept growing due to the fact that both seasonal depreciation of prices on horticultural products stopped and prices on dairy products and eggs appreciated.

Investors Are Scared by the Institutional Problems Plaguing the Russian Economy

19 december 2013

Today, RF President Vladimir Putin opened the annual press conference by saying that in 2013, Russia’s budget deficit will amount to approximately 0.5% of GDP.

The US Federal Reserve System (FRS) Starts Winding Down QE3

19 december 2013

On 18 December, the US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), at its last session in 2013, came to the decision to keep the key interest rate at its record low level of 0–0.25% per annum. This was announced by Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the FRS.

Ukraine has secured a double reduction of natural gas prices and a purchase of a larger portion of the Ukrainian debts.

18 december 2013

On December 17, the Gasprom and Naftogas signed relevant supplements to the gas contract: the price of gas for Ukraine is reduced to $268.5 per 1,000 cubic meters fr om the current one of $406. Also, an agreement was reached on a purchase by Russia of $15bn worth of the Ukrainian Eurobonds. According to Ukrainian Premier Nikolai Azarov, without the above arrangements with Russia Ukraine faced both a bankruptcy and social collapse.

Russian Industry Has Probably Made an Effort to Break Away from Stagnation

18 december 2013

A detailed analysis of indices of business surveys of the Gaidar Institute showed that in November Russian industry made probably an effort to break away from stagnation.

The World Bank Cuts its 2013 Growth Projection for Russia

16 december 2013

The World Bank has revised downward its growth projection for Russia’s national economy in 2013 and 2014.

More Contributions May be Needed for the Mandatory Deposit Insurance Fund

13 december 2013

On 13 December, the Bank of Russia revoked the banking licenses of three mid-sized banks: Investbank, the Bank of Project Financing, or BPF, and Smolensk Bank. The reasons that Russia's financial regulator gave for the closure of each of the three banks are pretty similar: inadequate liquidity, failure to meet legal obligations to creditors and depositors, and low asset quality resulting from risky credit policies.

The Bank of Russia Continues to Modify Its Exchange Rate Policy Framework

11 december 2013

On 10 December, the Bank of Russia reduced the accumulated amount of its FX interventions related to an automatic shift of the upper and lower boundaries operational band by 5 kopecks, from $ 400m to $ 350m. This decision marked yet another step towards a more flexible exchange rate, made by the regulator in the framework of the planned shift, in 2015, to a floating exchange rate.

The Laws on the RF Federal Budget Are Officially Published

11 december 2013

The texts of two federal laws recently signed by the RF President, Federal Law No 349-FZ ‘On the Federal Budget for 2014 and the Planning Period 2015 and 2016’, and Federal Law No 348-FZ ‘On the Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law ‘On the Federal Budget for 2013 and the Planning Period 2014 and 2015’ were posted to the RF Ministry of Finance’s website (on 4 and 9 December respectively). Besides, the textual part of the first Law (without the appendiced tables) was published on 6 December in Rossiiskaia gazeta [The Russian Gazette].

A New Tax Will Not Become an Effective Weapon in the Battle Against Offshore Businesses

10 december 2013

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the expert community suggested, as a method of preventing tax avoidance via offshore channels, that the RF Government should introduce an additional tax, to be levied on transactions with offshore companies.

Success of the Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference

08 december 2013

At the Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference, held in Bali, Indonesia, fr om 3rd through 7th December 2013, ministers of trade from 159 participant countries officially adopted the first multilateral trade agreement of the last two decades.

As Estimated by the IEP, 25 Banks Were Designated to Be Candidates for the List of Systemically Important Banks

05 december 2013

The Bank of Russia released a new draft regulation 'On Determining the List of Systemically Important Credit Institutions'. In accordance with that document, the Bank of Russia's Banking Supervision Department will determine, on an annual basis, the list of systemically important credit institutions, to be approved by the Bank of Russia Banking Supervision Committee.