
Banks Short-Received nearly Rb 800bn of Private Depositors’ Funds

18 february 2014

The first data on bank reporting on the dynamics of households' deposits in January turned out to be disappointing.

Too soon to cancel the corporate seal

18 february 2014

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (MED) has prepared a draft law which cancels the mandatory corporate seal during registration of joint-stock companies (OAO stands for OJSC and ZAO stands for CJSC) and limited liability companies (ООО).

Capital to keep fleeing from Russia

17 february 2014

Net capital outflow from the non-public sector, according to the preliminary estimates of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (MED), reached $17bn in January 2014. In Q1 2014 the MED anticipates $35bn of total net capital outflow. While the January capital outflow equals in size to that in the same period of the previous year, the quarterly estimate is much higher than $28bn in Q1 2013.

“Fine tuning” to help banks increase efficiency in managing liquid assets

17 february 2014

On February 17, 2014 the Bank of Russia complimented its monetary policy toolkit with “fine tuning” operations designed to absorb liquidity. 

Too soon for labor productivity growth to be announced as driver for the Russian economy

13 february 2014

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (MEG) has found and presented to President Putin new sources of economic growth in Russia in 2014.

Central Bank's task to make the exchange rate less volatile

11 february 2014

The average monthly ruble exchange rate, according to the Bank of Russia’s official data on January 2014, has dropped 1.7% against the US dollar and 1.6% against the euro. As a result of steady decline the Russian currency exchange rate has lost a bit more than 4.2% against the US dollar within three months, and 5% against the euro within four months.

Bank not to increase interest rates to protect the ruble

05 february 2014

At the end of January 2014 the Russian ruble has weakened 6.7% against the US dollar. However, the current ruble weakening is not large-scale. 

Weakening demand becomes a routine for the Russian industry

05 february 2014

Analysis of the system of indicators of Gaidar Institute’s business surveys shows that adverse changes to the demand dynamics have become regular for the Russian industry which is currently maintaining a nearly zero growth in output, reducing prices, controlling successfully finished goods stock, and having hopes for sales increase this year. 

Low GDP growth shows economy’s incapacity to respond to a higher demand

04 february 2014

The Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) published on January 31, 2013 the initial estimation of GDP in 2013. Last year GDP, according to the data, grew at a rate of 1.3%, which is even slightly below the latest estimates presented by Minister of Economic Development of Russia A. Ulyukayev who estimated Russian economy’s growth at a 1.4% in 2013.

Devaluation of the ruble has a few destructive effects

30 january 2014

The ruble has weakened substantially against the US dollar since the beginning of the year, overtaking the highest values since 2009 and a physiological value of Rb 35. The euro reached a new record of Rb 48 on Thursday.

Too soon to launch a dialogue on a free trade zone with the EU

30 january 2014

During the Russia-EU summit Russia suggested to launch a dialogue on specific measures and steps towards concluding a free trade zone agreement by 2020. However, First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov stated that the European Union has no plan to shortly began negotiations on a free trade zone between the European Union and the Customs Union Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan on the pretext that such an integration might be complex.

Record Changes in the Limits of the Currency Band is the Result of Higher Flexibility of the Exchange Rate Policy of the Central Bank of Russia

29 january 2014

On January 27, the limits of the currency band moved straight 15 kopecks upwards to the marks of Rb 33.65 and Rb 40.65. It is to be noted that in the beginning of the month the lower limit of the currency band was Rb 33.05, while the upper, Rb 40.05. It is to be noted that in January the currency band was adjusted ten times and due to that its limits shifted by 60 kopecks which value largely exceeded the adjustments of the previous months.


Support of the Small and Mid-Sized Business will Contribute to Creation of Jobs in the Services Sector

28 january 2014

According to the data of the Rosstat, in December 2013 the rate of unemployment amounted to 5.6% of the economic activity of households against 5.4% in November. As compared to December 2012, employment decreased by 632,000 persons (0.9%), while the number of unemployed increased by 365,000 persons (9.5%). The trend of growing unemployment became evident fr om the 2nd quarter of 2013.

The 2013 Report of the Ministry of Defense was Published

27 january 2014

On Wednesday, January 22, a 2013 report was placed on the Web-site of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. As stated by the authors of the report, it is not an ordinary departmental annual report which unlike some civil departments the Ministry of Defense has not been published minimum for the past one hundred years, but a report on fulfillment of the Plan of Activities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as Regards Implementation of Decrees Nos.597, 601, 603, 604 and 605 of May 7, 2012 of the President of the Russian Federation which was published late in June 2013.

It Will be Difficult to Motivate the Private business to Enter the Social Sphere

23 january 2014

On January 22, 2014, Premier Dmitri Medvedev put forward proposals on development of the sphere of social services, including a transfer of one-third of the state-guaranteed order for social services to the private business and commercialization of the education.

The Russian Economy is Unprepared to the Regime of a Fully Flexible Exchange Rate

23 january 2014

On January 23, 2014, the Central Bank of Russia set the USD/RUR exchange rate at the level of Rb 33.87 for a US dollar and that of the Euro/RUR exchange rate at the level of Rb 45.91 for a euro. The above exchange rate values make up the cost of the bi-currency basket at Rb 39.29 which is the maximum value from March 2009. From the beginning of the year, the cost of the basket grew by more than a ruble (from Rb 38.24 as of January 1, 2014) or 2.75%.