
Correction of Data from Ministry of Economic Development Indicates Danger of Economic Recession

08 november 2013

Based on the data of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, the "economic growth rate from 2013-2030 will be 50% lower than proposed in the spring - an average of 2.8% versus 4.3% - and will lag behind the economy worldwide. By 2030, Russia's share of the global GDP will decrease to 3.4%, from 4% in 2012".

Gas Relations Between Russia and Ukraine Remain Strained

07 november 2013

After the statement by Alexei Miller, Head of the Gasprom as regards a possible transfer to the system of prepayment for next Russian gas supplies if Ukraine fails in the near future to pay the debt in the amount of $882m for gas supplies in August 2013, repayment of the debt of the NAK Naftogas Ukraina to the Gasprom started in the beginning of November.

Enterprises feel compelled to lower prices in hopes of demand revival

04 november 2013

As demonstrated by the business opinion surveys carried out by the Gaidar Institute, October saw no significant changes either in the movement of the demand index, or in the level of output in Russian industry.

Russia May Obstruct Ukraine’s Signing of Agreement of Association with the EC

01 november 2013

A summit of the Eastern Partnership is scheduled to be held at the end of November 2013 in Vilnius, during which after prolonged discussions Ukraine plans to sign an agreement with the EC regarding association and a free trade zone.

Russian Industry Has Its Most Pessimistic Investment Plan since December 2009

31 october 2013

The initial results for September based on the market questionnaires of the Gaidar Institute are looking rather pessimistic. The trend in supply and demand has not undergone any fundamental modification, a fact which has disappointed companies and led to a lowering of expectations in demand and a growth in inventory.

Bank Asset Growth Rate Appears Lowest since Middle of 2010

30 october 2013

The banking sector was confronted with a deficit in client resources in the third quarter of 2013. The basic cause of the shortfall was the refinancing by the Bank of Russia and the deposits of the Ministry of Finance.

Conditions for Conducting Business in Russia Gradually Improving

29 october 2013

29 October 2013. The World Bank presented the eleventh issue of its annual report "Doing Business 2014: Understanding Regulation of the Activities of Small and Medium Businesses".

Income from the Privatization and Management of State Property in the Federal Budget Draft for 2014-2016

28 october 2013

The federal budget draft for 2014 and the planning period for 2015 and 2016 that has been introduced in parliament by the Russian government provides for the utilization of funds obtained in the privatization of federal property as a separate source for financing the federal budget deficit.

Disposal Fee Impacts Import Volume in Russia

28 october 2013

The 60 days set under WTO rules for achieving an amicable agreement with the EC regarding the disposal fee introduced in the RF expired in October 2013.

Inflation Gained Momentum, Pushed Up by a Rapid Slowdown in the Seasonal Drop of Prices for Fruit and Vegetable Products

25 october 2013

September saw an acceleration in Russian inflation: in September 2013, Consumer Price Index amounted to 0.2% (vs. 0.1% in August). However, it was 0.4 p.p. below its year-earlier level. 

The Impending Critical Situation in State Regulation of Science

24 october 2013

A period of reform in the Russian scientific infrastructure began in the summer and autumn - the creation of a new federal agency for scientific organizations, reform of the three state academy systems and the planned creation of a new Russian scientific foundation.

The Volume of Wages in Arrears Is on the Rise

24 october 2013

In September 2013, the average nominal monthly charged wage per worker amounted to Rb 29,811, thus having increased on August by 2%.

On the Situation in the Russian Industry in January-September 2013

17 october 2013

In the 3rd quarter of 2013 and during 9 months of 2013, industrial production in Russia amounted to 99.9% and 100.1% of the respective indices of the previous year, respectively.

A Tough Alcohol Policy Becomes Pointless

17 october 2013

The Government of the Russian Federation considers the possibility of freezing or reducing the rates of excise duties on alcohol products fr om 2015. 

The Choice of the Nobel Committee – Financial Economics

16 october 2013

The 2013 Nobel Prize was shared by Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen (both from the Chicago University) and Robert Shiller (the Yale University) for their financial assets research.  Actually, the Nobel Committee distinguished the entire development of financial economics from its inception in the 1960s to the present day.

Transformation of Nongovernment Pension Funds into Joint-Stock Companies Is a Reasonable Proposal

16 october 2013

Anton Siluanov, Finance Minister of Russia confirmed that nongovernment pension funds (NPF) which manage citizens’ voluntary pension savings should be transformed into joint-stock companies and have the same supervisory requirements as NPF.