
Awarding of the Nobel Prize to Shiller, Fama and Hansen was Expected

15 october 2013

The 2013 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel was awarded to US researchers Lars Peter Hansen, Eugene Fama and Robert Shiller for development of methods of asset price analysis, reported the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences on Monday.

Abandonment of Building Auctions will Increase the Cost of Contracts

15 october 2013

Fr om January 1, 2014, the Law on the Federal Contract System will come into effect. The above law is to replace Federal Law No. 94 on Placement of Orders for Supply of Goods, Fulfillment of Jobs and Rendering of Services for Public and Municipal Needs. On October 10, it became known that the issue of preservation of the mandatory electronic auction procedure is debated only as regards building contracts worth up to Rb 50m and Rb 150m for regions and both Moscow and St. Petersburg, respectively. Building contract for a larger amount can be placed at a tender.

Reduction of the Share of Cash Funds by a Half will Increase Banks’ Resources by Rb 3 Trillion

14 october 2013

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has prepared a draft law on limitation of the extent of cash payments: in the latest edition of the draft law it is proposed starting fr om 2014 to limit the maximum volume of cash payments to Rb 600,000, while from 2016, to Rb 300,000.

Incorporation of the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Does Not Solve the Problem

09 october 2013

On October 7, 2013, the President of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma the draft law "On Amendment of the Constitution of the Russian Federation "On the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation"" (hereinafter, the draft law).

The Central Bank of Russia will Enter the Foreign Exchange Market Only in Case of Dramatic Changes in the Exchange Rate

09 october 2013

On October 8, the Central Bank of Russia reported that from October 7 it expanded from Rb 1 to Rb 3.10 the "neutral" band of the operating interval of the permissible values of the ruble cost of the bi-currency basket.

The Worst Thing that May Happen is a Technical Default

08 october 2013

The US will reach the current upper limit of borrowings ($16.7 trillion) by October 17.

The Draft of the Federal Budget was Submitted to the State Duma

04 october 2013

On October 2, on the site of the State Duma placement of documents and materials provided by the government simultaneously with the draft federal budget in accordance with the Budget Code was completed.

The Ratio Between the Volume of New Consumer Loans and Costs Amounts to 30%

03 october 2013

In August 2013, the volume of individuals' loan debt to banks rose by Rb 234bn or 2.4%. On the basis of the outputs of the month, the annual growth rate fell to 31.7%.

Land Tax Should not Be an Instrument of Land Use Regulation

01 october 2013

On August 1, 2013, nearly a month before opening of the autumn session of the State Duma the Government of the Russian Federation submitted for the debates in the lower house of the parliament an initiative as regards specification of the rates of the land tax1.

Improvement in Expectations of Economic Agents Cannot be Expected

27 september 2013

On September 27, The Problems of the Russian Economy: Political and Economic Outlook Conference under the auspices of the Association of Independent Centers for Economic Analysis was held in Moscow. Participants in the conference discussed key social and economic issues of the Russian economy, as well as challenges and limitations faced by the current economic policy pursued by the government.

Banks May lose a High-Yielding Segment of the Money Market

26 september 2013

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation supported the other day the idea of limiting the rates on unsecured retail loans in the amount of 30% of the average market rate.

WTO projects slower growth rates for the world trade

26 september 2013

In September 2013, the World Trade Organization (WTO) downgraded its projection1 for growth in global trade volumes of goods for 2013 and 2014 as compared to its projection made in April 2013.

World Bank’s pessimism about economic growth prospects in the Russian Federation is quite predictable

25 september 2013

On September 25, 2013, the World Bank (WB) downgraded its projection for Russia's GDP growth in 2013 to 1.8% fr om 2.3% (the latest projection was made in June 2013). In 2014 the WB projects the Russian economy to grow 3.1% against previous 3.5%.

Russia’s industrial sector in January – August 2013

18 september 2013

According to Rosstat's (Federal Service of State Statistics) data, the dynamics of Russia's industrial sector in the period of January thru August 2013 were balancing between stagnation and recession.

Current adverse economic situation should come as no surprise to anyone

18 september 2013

18 September Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Russian Federation Aleksei Ulyukayev stated at a "government hour" at the State Duma that "...we haven't seen such an adverse economic situation over the past five years since the beginning of the latest crisis."

Simplified procedure for registration with tax authorities of foreign organizers of the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi

16 september 2013

The Federal Tax Service of Russia has prepared a Draft Order "On the Approval of the Form of Notification of Registration With a Tax Authority of Organizations Acting as Foreign Organizer of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi."