
A Drop in Their Credit Quality will be Ruinous for a Number of Banks

11 october 2012

In September, the Bank of Russia completed a stress test of Russian banks based on their reports for the first half-year of 2012.


Russia Has Reached the Level of Her Potential GDP

11 october 2012

The Russian economy has hit a ‘glass ceiling'. The World Bank has pointed out some unmistakable signs of an overheated labor market. Employment surged above its pre-crisis peak of the summer of 2008, unemployment dropped to its two-decade record low, and the share of the poor reached its historic low.


A Reduction to 2% is the Worst Possible Option

10 october 2012

Russia's government intends to finalize, by the end of this year, its decision on cutting the mandatory funded part of labor pension.

The Task of Creating a Financial Mega-Regulator Must Involve a Distinct Definition of Its Goals

09 october 2012

The issue of creating a financial mega-regulator must be dealt with operatively, said Head of the State Vladimir Putin on 2 October 2012. He urged the banking sector and the investor community to join the discussion of that issue.


The Bank of Russia May Cut Its Rate of Refinancing to 8%

08 october 2012

In 2015, the RF Central Bank will fully switch over to inflation targeting, and so will cancel the currency corridor.


Management of Interest Rates will Become a Key Point of the Monetary Regulation

08 october 2012

On October 4, the Central bank of Russia published at its Internet-site the draft Guidelines for the Single State Monetary Policy in 2013 and for 2014 and 2015.

Capital Outflow from Russia will Amount to $75bn–$80bn by the End of the Year

05 october 2012

This week, the Central Bank of Russia released the first assessment of the Russian balance of payments in the 3rd quarter of 2012.


On Growth in the Оutput of the Military-Industrial Complex

05 october 2012

According to RIA Novosti, on October 2 Dmitri Rogozin, Vice Premier of the Russian Federation said at the Russia Calling Forum that "in 2015 the industrial output of the military and industrial complex in general will grow by 80% (as compared to 2011) and in 2020, by 50% (as compared to 2015). ..".

The Zero Rate of the Profit Tax will Give a Respite to the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex

04 october 2012

On October 3, 2012, Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation signed a federal law on the termless zero rate of the profit tax and other tax privileges for agricultural producers.

Households’ Outstanding Debt to Credit Institutions is Approaching the Pre-Crisis Level

04 october 2012

Households' debt to banks keeps growing at a high rate. In August, households' debt increased by 3.6%, while in the period fr om the beginning of the year, by 26.1%.

Slowdown of Global Trade Growth Affects Russia

02 october 2012

The World Trade Organization (WTO) expects growth of the mere 2.5% in global trade volumes on the basis of the results of 2012.  

Changes in the Taxation System Had a Positive Effect on the Oil Sector

01 october 2012

In 2012, production of oil in Russia will amount to 515m tons. In January-August 2012, it increased by 1.0% on the same period of 2011.

Abandonment of the Exchange Rate Band is a Logical Step by the Central Bank of Russia

27 september 2012

Fr om 2015, the Central Bank of Russia intends to switch over completely to the inflation targeting regime, abandon the exchange rate band and ensure free floating of the ruble. Abandonment of the exchange rate band is a logical stage in a switch-over to inflation targeting.

Banks Started to Experience Liquidity Shortages

25 september 2012

At present, development of the Russian banking sector is of a contradictory nature.   

Russia’s Industrial Sector is in the Lead as Regards Attraction of Foreign Investments

24 september 2012

In the first six months of 2012, foreign investments in the Russian economy amounted to $74.8bn which is 14.7% lower than the index of the first six months of 2011.

The Impact of Saudi Arabia on Global Oil Prices Should Not be Overestimated

20 september 2012

Concerned about the problems of the global economy which suffers from high oil prices, Saudi Arabia offered its main customers in the US, Europe and Asia additional supplies of oil. As a result, it increased its production of oil to the 30-year maximum of 10m barrels a day, which situation triggered off the current drop in oil prices.