
Russia’s Place in the World Trade in 2009

30 march 2010

In late March 2010 the WTO Secretariat published its analytical review of the international trade for the year of 2009 and presented outlooks for 2010. The document comprises preliminary cross-country statistics by the 2009 global trade with goods and services.

The Bank of Russia Once Again Lowers the Refinancing Rate to 8.25% Annualized

26 march 2010

On March 26, 2010, the Bank of Russia announced that the refinancing rate would be lowered again, from 8.5% to 8.25% annualized, effective as of March 29. At the same time, the CBR lowered by 0.25 p.p. a string of interest rates on instruments of provision of liquidity to the banking sector and deposits attracted from credit institutions.

Project of Tariffs and Customs Policy Main Directions for 2011 and for Planning Period of 2012 and 2013

26 march 2010

On March 24, 2010 the RF Government Presidium considered the project for the main directions of customs and tariff policy for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013. The report concerning the matter was held by the RF Minister for Economic Development E. Nabiullina. The main part of the report was devoted to the forthcoming work within Customs Union with Belorussia and Kazakhstan and gradual transfer fr om crisis protectionist regulation to post-crisis.

First Results of Tax Crimes “Decriminalization” of Tax Offences

25 march 2010

On March 23, 2010 a round table devoted to the issues of increase in the efficiency of control and taxpayer’s right protection was organized in the Federation Council.

Transfer to Surplus Income Tax in Oil and Gas Sector in Russia

24 march 2010

Introduction of new tax- tax on additional (surplus) income – for the enterprises of oil and gas sector in Russia has been planned for more than 10 years. However the date for transfer is postponed again and again.

Experts on Social Policy

23 march 2010

On March, 18th public debates devoted to the social policy took place in Lomonosov Moscow State University. The meeting was organized by the Association of independent centers of economic analysis.

State Duma Adopts Law Concerning Procedure of VAT Zero Rate Application for International Transportation

22 march 2010

RF State Duma has adopted amendments to article 164 of the RF Tax Code eliminating the contradictions between the norms of subparagraph 9 paragraph 1 article 164 and paragraph 5 article 165 of the RF Tax Code.

Bank of Russia Announce Decrease of Credit Risks Limits for Crediting Organizations

19 march 2010

On March, 19 the Bank of Russia announced that starting with May, 1st the limits for credit risk, established for crediting organizations for blank credits provision will be lowered.

Dependence of Russian Budget from Raw Materials Export

19 march 2010

The dependence of the Russian budget from oil prices has strengthened incredibly: for the budget to be deficit-free in 2010 the oil should cost USD 105 per barrel (USD 62 per barrel in 2008, USD 99 per barrel in 2009). This is in sharp contrast with USD 20-40 per barrel planned in the budget of 2000-20061

Federal Budget Program Part

18 march 2010

According to the data of the RF Ministry for Economic Development program part of federal budget expenditures for all Federal Target Programs and Federal Targeted Investment Programs financed in 2009 was at the level of 11.5%. 

Package of Tax Privileges Will Cost RUR 250 Billion to Budget

17 march 2010

At one of the latest meetings of the RF Government when discussing the main direction for the tax policy in the middle-term, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin suggested exempting the commercial organizations operating in the field of education and health care from profit tax, which should have a positive effect on availability and quality of services in these spheres.

Alternative for Non-government Pension Funds: Saving Accounts

16 march 2010

On March 11, 2010 newspaper RBK-daily published an article reporting on the discussion about the possibility of formation of individual saving accounts which will be managed by broker and managing companies1. Such accounts, in the opinion of the Institute for Social Development (ISD) experts may serve as an alternative to non-government pension funds for the citizens and the operation of non-government pension funds will have more market nature.

New System for Citizens’ Preparation for Military Service

12 march 2010

Problems of pre-conscription training of the youth that are a matter of concern of conscripts-to-be and their parents have always been widely discussed in mass media, but lately the debates on the issues mentioned have made a new turn1.

On Mechanism of Old-age Pensions Valorization

09 march 2010

Starting with January 2010 the mechanism of pensions valorization envisaged by amendments made to the Federal Law "On old-age pensions" comes into effect. This mechanism was aimed at raising pensions not on equalizing terms, but taking into account the labor experience of each pension recipient individually. 

Inflation Slowdown in Russia

05 march 2010

In February the inflation rate in Russia, measured with CPI, reached 0.9%. 

Spring Conscription in Russia

04 march 2010

Recently, the Russian society was agitated with high-rank officers claims, for instance that by the General Staff Head N. Makarov on there being no reduction of conscription, it, on the contrary, growing up to the number, exceeding on average 350 thousand in each half of the year.