
The RF CB keeps its rates unchanged

30 july 2010

On 30 July, the Bank of Russia’s Board of Directors once again (just as it did one month earlier) made the decision that the rate of refinancing and other rates established by the RF CB should be kept at their existing level. Thus the decline of the rates observed since late 2008 until the summer of 2010 was discontinued. 

Russia’s GDP in Q I 2010 rose by 2.9%

05 july 2010

The real volume of Russia’s GDP over Q I 2010 rose by 2.9% on the same period of 2009, thus amounting to 9,862 bn Rb.  

The RF President’s Budget Message to the RF Federal Assembly

02 july 2010

On 29 June 2010, President of Russia D.A. Medvedev addressed this country’s supreme leadership with his Budget Message. By comparison with the time of last year’s Presidential Budget Message the macroeconomic conditions have changed rather dramatically, thus strongly influencing the character of the present  document. Now there exists a distinct orientation towards a switchover fr om anti-crisis measures to modernization and innovation as part of the development of Russia’s economy.  

The RF CB suspends its lending auctions

01 july 2010

On 1 July, 2010 the Bank of Russia announced that from 1 October 2010 it would suspend its auctions for granting unsecured loans to credit institutions for a period of over 5 weeks, and from 1 January 2011 – for all periods.

The RF CB makes a pause in the downward movement of its rates

30 june 2010

On 30 June, 2010 the Bank of Russia’s Board of Directors made the decision that the rate of refinancing and other interest rates established by the RF CB should be kept at their existing level, thus making a pause in their downward movement.

China refuses from rigid fixation of the Yuan towards the dollar

21 june 2010

On June 19, 2010 the representatives of the People's Bank of China have reported on the changes in monetary policy aimed at further gradual rejection from the rigid rate of the Yuan to the dollar.

Protection of intellectual property rights in Russia

17 june 2010

In mid-May 2010 the Business Software Alliance – BSA from the U.S. in conjunction with the International Research Corporation (IDC) have published the results of the Seventh Annual Study of the software piracy in the world (Seventh Annual BSA/IDC Global 2009 Software Piracy Study).

Bank of Russia Announces Improvements in Its Information Policy

09 june 2010

On June 7, 2010 the Bank of Russia announced that improvements in its information policy will be made: from now on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will disclose not only the data on the total volume of interventions to support the currency market but also on the volume of so-called purposeful interventions. 

Changes Made to Law on Privatization

08 june 2010

In June changes in the Federal Law No 178-FZ “On privatization of the state and municipal property” are coming into effect, which will may make the privatization relationships more transparent and open.  

Modernization or Militarization?

07 june 2010

As it turned out during the parliamentary hearings of the State Duma Defense Committee on June 3, 2010, Russian military-industrial complex has already obtained the agreement of the Government’s economy block to allocate RUR 13 trillion from the federal budget for a new government armament program in 2011-2020. This exceeds by more than 2.5 times the sum allocated in 2007 (RUR 4.9 trillion) for the current program limited with 2015. 

The Bank of Russia Sets Tougher Requirements to Evaluation of Credit Risk

04 june 2010

The Bank of Russia has informed of the approval of Instructions No 2459-U of the Bank of Russia of June 3, 2010 on The Specifics of Evaluation of Credit Risk by Individual Types of Loans and Debts Made Equal to Loans. 

Development of Russian Industry in 2010

31 may 2010

In January–April 2010, growth in industrial output by 6.9% and in April, by 10.4% as against respective periods last year resulted mainly from growth in manufacturing industries by 8.3% and 15.7%, respectively, which situation can be explained in many ways by the effect of the last year’s low base.  

The Bank of Russia has Announced a New Reduction of the Rate of Refinancing

31 may 2010

On May 31, 2010, the Bank of Russia has declared that starting from June 1 the rate of refinancing will be decreased from 8% to 7.75% per annum.

Dynamics of the Main Economic Indices of Russia in January–April 2010

28 may 2010

In January–April 2010, the economic situation in Russia was characterized by a renewal of the domestic business’s activities and the solvent demand.  

On GDP Forecast Evaluations

27 may 2010

According to the data of Rosstat, in the 1st quarter 2010 the GDP growth amounted to 102.9% against the rate of decline at the level of 90.6% in the same period last year. 

Results of the Meeting of the EAEC Interstate Council

26 may 2010

A meeting of Prime Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan was held on May 21, 2010. The regular session of the EAEC Council at the level of prime ministers considered introduction into effect of a number of international agreements which form a contractual and legal base of the Customs Union.