E.T. Gaidar has passed away

Institute for Economy in Transition with deep regret announces that on December 16, 2009 Yegor Gaidar, Director of the Institute has suddenly died on the 54th year of his life.
We express our sincere condolences to the family and friends E.T. Gaidar.
The medicolegal investigation made in the Central Clinical Hospital of Presidential Administration has detected the death cause: pulmonary edema, provoked by myocardial ischemia.

Condolences to the mourning family and friends have been expressed by many prominent Russian and foreign political figures, as well as by representatives of the scientific elite. Official telegrams and letters were received from the President of Russia, the RF Prime Minister, from the US White House, from the President of Ukraine, ministers, ambassadors and leaders of the regions.

Yegor Gaidar, the founder and Director of the Institute for Economy in Transition has passed away.
A giant political figure and statesman of Russia, who invested his intelligence, strength and life itself in the reform of the country, is deceased.
Yegor Gaidar’s death is an irreparable loss for the Institute and – we believe – an irretrievable loss for Russia.

Yegor Gaidar used to be referred to as the "former Prime Minister”, and the market reforms of the early 1990s are referred to as "Gaidar's reforms”. However, Yegor Gaidar was an “acting” Chairman of the Government, rather than the Prime Minister, only for six months from June to December 1992 and the Deputy Chairman of the Government for seven months before that and four months in 1993–1994. Nevertheless, this was enough to make an epoch in the history of Russia to be directly associated with his name. His intellectual power, honesty, decency and courage made him a true intellectual and moral leader of the Russian reforms of the late XX century.

Yegor Gaidar became the actual leader of the government at the time when the country was facing a real economic disaster. National economic and administrative system by this time ceased to function. Yegor Gaidar had to restart this mechanism on the new basis. And he did it. He managed to prevent the traditional scenario of the revolution, when the collapse of the former regime is replaced by chaos and confusion, and the recovery takes much blood.

His intuition of a brilliant economist was coupled with a political insight, based on a deep talent of the historian. He was able to foresee the historical perspective, unlike a great majority of his contemporaries. Moreover, he had courage to defend his viewpoints despite any misunderstanding and opposition. Those features made Yegor Timurovich the prominent figure in terms of history.
Yegor Gaidar was not only the founder and the Director of the Institute for Economy in Transition. In fact, he created a new scientific school, not only for economists, but rather for economists-practitioners, capable to foresee the political effects of economic decisions and take into account the specifics of the economic laws in the period of transition. He has developed the essentials of a totally new approach to public administration of Russia, having set up high standards and clear guidelines for such an approach.
The combination of intellectual honesty and the highest human decency, true intelligence and courage in the face of the essential political decisions served as a basis for Yegor Timurovich highest authority, acknowledged even by his political and ideological opponents, which made him to take the place of one of the true leaders of the Russian civil society.