Experts of the Strategy-2020 Awarded

By Order of April 25, 2012 of the President of the Russian Federation, experts who took part in development of the Strategy-2020 have been awarded with medals and orders.


In January 11, on instructions of Vladimir Putin, Premier of the Russian Federation expert groups on development of proposals as regards topical issues of Russia's social and economic strategy in the period till 2020 (the Strategy-2020) were formed. The groups included over 1,000 experts and another 400 experts participated in that work in regions of the Russian Federation.

Experts who worked on development of the updated Strategy-2020, including employees of  Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy received government awards:

The Order of Honor was awarded to Sergei Drobyshevsky, Director of the Center for Macroeconomics and Finance.


The Order of Friendship was awarded to:
• Vladimir Nazarov, Head of the Budget Federalism Department;
• Irina Starodubrovskaya, Director of the Center for Political Economy and Regional Development.

The Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation was awarded to:
• Pavel Kadochnikov, Director of the Center for Real Sector;
• Ilya Sokolov, Head of the Budget Policy Department.


Sincere congratulations to our colleagues with high appraisal of their contribution!

Saturday, 28.04.2012