The webinar dedicated to the topic: “Global value chains, trade and investment in Russia: what happens after the pandemic?” will take place on June 23rd at 15.30 p.m.
The companies actively built their production chains on a global level over the past decades based on the criteria of comparative individual production sites. This led to increased prosperity worldwide, including through a significant and positive impact on poverty reduction. Recently, however, the topic of de-globalization has been increasingly debated on the international agenda amid intensified protectionist tendencies, trade wars, the need to consider measures to combat climate change and social consequences such as rising inequality.
Given these fundamentally opposing phenomena, it is important to understand the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the crisis caused by pandemic on trade and investment.
In the wake of the recent shortages of personal protective equipment resulted, inter alia, from the situation that China, the major producer of these products, was the first to suffer from coronavirus, countries discuss a revision of the GVC structure towards their independence and sustainability, paying particular attention to domestic production as an element of this sustainability. At the same time, the G20 trade ministers noted at the recent meetings that trade is one of the key factors in recovery of the global economy and, consequently, all restrictive measures taken in the sphere of trade and investment should be temporary and adequate. In that respect, a question arises: how the balance between the principle of sustainability and free trade will look like in the post-coronavirus world?
The following matters will be considered in the course of the webinar:
What are the opportunities for Russia resulted from the current crisis and what are the conditions for capturing these opportunities?
What will be the impact of the mentioned events on trade/investment relations between Russia and EU?
Laurent Bardon, the Head of Trade and Economic Section of the EU Delegation to Russia, will deliver a welcome address.
The following experts will take part in the discussion:
Beata Javorcik, Chief Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Marcus Osegowitsch, representative of Volkswagen Group Russia and CIS, General Director OOO VOLKSWAGEN Group in Russia.
Aleksander Knobel, Head of International Trade Department of the Gaidar Institute
Pavel Isaev, Advisor to General Director, “Severstal”.
Prof. Thomas Wenzel, Eindhoven and Antwerpen, Director of European forum of supply chains, will moderate the event.
To take part in the webinar, please, register using the link.

Sunday, 21.06.2020