International Conference “Russia and Global World: New Decade Challenges”

On January 21-23, 2010, Institute for Economy in Transition, Academy of National Economy under the RF Government and the Expert Council under the Government Committee on improvement the sustainability of Russian economy hold an International Conference “Russia and global world: new decade challenges”.

The Conference will be held in the form of a series of panel discussions and expert “round tables”, the participants of which will be able to present and discuss their understanding of the key trends and challenges of the country development.

Prominent members of the Russian government, Heads of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, researchers, leading Russian and foreign economists have agreed to participate and make presentation in plenary discussions.

The conference will focus on the perspectives of socio-economic development of Russia in 2010-ies, upgrading policy of the Russian economy.

You are welcome to take part in the Conference.

Conference site:
Moscow, Vernadskogo Prospect, 82
Academy of National Economy under the Government of Russia

Contact information:
Tel.: (495) 629-47-13, 629-97-21
Fax: (495) 629-79-55