Irina Dezhina Delivered a Report at the Conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities

On April 26, Irina Dezhina, Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher of the Social Services Department delivered a report – The Civil Society in the Russian Science: The Role in Reforming of the Research Complex  -- at  the 19th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities  which was held at the Columbia University  (New York, the USA).


In her report, Irina Dezhina reviewed the evolution of “the civil society” (perceived as the system of research and professional communities which express an independent opinion of the expert community) in the post-Soviet science. 


The author of the report showed the process of revival of such communities in Russia late in the 2000s and analyzed factors behind that phenomenon and the specifics of functioning of such research communities. Also the report included a detailed review of the reaction of professional communities of researchers to the latest reforms in the Russian science, primarily, to liquidation of the former system of the state academies of sciences. Also, a particular attention was paid to the US experience in development of the civil society in science and a comparative analysis of the situation in that area in Russia and the US was made on that basis and possible lines of further activities of professional research communities in Russia were proposed.  


To learn more about the outputs of the research, please refer to: I. Dezhina.  Professional Communities in the US Science: Useful Experience for Russia? // Ekonomicheskaya Politika No. 5, 2013. pp. 150-167.

Presentation to the report >>>