Irina Dezhina Delivered a Report at the Kennan Institute’s Conference

On April 23, Irina Dezhina, Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher of the Social Services Department delivered a report: Innovations, Brain Drain and the Russian Policy of Reforming the Higher Education (Washington, the USA).


In her report, Irina Dezhina presented the data on the current state of the research complex in Russia, outlined the main trends in financing, personnel structure and outputs of the research within 15 years and provided the analysis of changes which took place in the past few years in the government’s scientific policy and interpretation of the government’s new decisions in that area. 

A particular attention was paid to the following three lines of the government’s policy: measures aimed at promotion of  research at higher education establishments, initiatives and results of engagement of foreign experts  for  work in Russia, as well as the government’s recent efforts to restructure the research complex, including the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences and approaches to evaluation of efficiency of research institutions.   

Presentation to the report >>>