Issue No.14(32), September 2016 of the "Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook" Was Published

Issue No.14(32), 2016 of the analytical review – The Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of the Social and Economic Development – was published. The goal of the above review is to follow current trends and changes in the Russian economy.

Main topics of the issue: Russian regions: ongoing slowrolling crisis; Russian industry in H1 2016: zero dynamics; Adaptability index in Q3 2016: alltime high for monitoring years; Russia in global exports: 2015-2016; Russian food embargo: minor losses in western countries.

The online monitoring is prepared with participation of experts of the Gaidar Institute, the RANEPA and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in partnership with the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR).

Thursday, 08.09.2016