Logos Included in the ESCI Base

The Logus magazine published by the Gaidar Institute’s Publishing House was included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI.

ESCI is a part of the main collection of the Web of Science (WоS). It is to be noted that the Logos magazine was included in the ESCI base on the recommendations of WoS experts with no procedure for reviewing an application from its founder.

The magazine introduced into the ESCI is regarded by the Thomson Reuters editorial board as a popular and widely cited magazine. With the magazine included in the ESCI, it is possible to evaluate a contribution by every author in promotion of a scientific issue. Both authors and researchers may follow online how citation of their papers takes place.

The ESCI provides publishers an additional level of integration into WoS. Magazines introduced into the ESCI have passed the initial level of approval by the Thomson Reuters editorial board and may possibly be included in other WoS citation indices which are famous for their in-depth evaluation and selection processes.