
NBER published an article of the employees of Gaidar Institute on issues of optimal taxation of emission of greenhouse gases

23 april 2019

The National Bureau of Economic Research of the USA published academic paper "Making Carbon Taxation a Generational Win Win" written by Laurence Kotlikoff, Head of International Department of Fiscal Sustainability, Andrey Polbin, Head of Macroeconomic Modeling Department, both employees of the Gaidar Institute, as well as by Felix Kubler, Jeffrey Sax and Simon Scheidegger. 

A meeting of the Academic Board of the Gaidar Institute took place

20 april 2019

On April 18, a meeting of the Academic Board of the Gaidar Institute took place.

Stepan Zemtsov: At federal level, there is lack of understanding of differences related to conditions of SMEs development at different territories

20 april 2019

On April 11, Stepan Zemtsov, Senior Researcher, Innovation Economics Department of the Gaidar Institute, delivered a presentation “Entrepreneurial ecosystems of Russian regions” at a session “Regional economy” held under NRU HSE XX April conference.

Aleksey Vedev received Medal “In recognition of Research in Economic Analysis”

19 april 2019

On April 11, Aleksey Vedev, candidate of economic sciences, Leading Researcher, Financial Studies Department of the Gaidar Institute, received an ARETT Medal “In Recognition of Research in Economic Analysis”.

Andrey Polbin: Standard methods of co - integration analysis between the GDP and oil prices seem to be non-applicable.

19 april 2019

On April 10, Andrey Polbin, Head of Macroeconomic Modeling Department, delivered a presentation at the XX April NRU HSE Conference: “Building – up and assessment of the model of unobservable factor for the Russian Federation amid high dependence on oil prices”.

Mikhail Khromov: every employee should have the right to receive his wages on the card of a bank that he is comfortable with

19 april 2019

On April 10, Mikhail Khromov, Head of Financial Studies Department, Real Sector “Macroeconomics and Finances” of the Gaidar Institute, took part in the program “Business Day” at the RBC-TV Channell.

Andrey Polbin took part in the seminar on econometrics of time series

18 april 2019

On April 4, Andrey Polbin, Head of Macroeconomic Modeling Department, took part in the 9th Seminar on econometrics of time series held in Zaragoza, Spain and delivered a presentation “A two-dimensional model for forecasting Russian real GDP in the context of slowing long-term growth and a change in the monetary policy regime”.

Presentation of the Online Monitoring of the Economic Situation for the Mass Media

05 april 2019

On April 2, 2019, experts of the Gaidar Institute took part in the press conference where the April issue of the Online Monitoring of the Economic Situation in Russia was presented.

Alexei Vedev Has Taken Part in the Baltic Forum

05 april 2019

Alexei Vedev, Leading Researcher of the Gaidar Institute, Former RF Deputy Minister of Economic Development tool part in the 12th Forum of the Baltic Sea Region (the Baltic Forum).

Irina Starodubrovskaya Took Part in the “Diagnostics and Identification of Key Problems” Expert Session

29 march 2019

On March 21, 2019, Irina Starodubrovskaya, Head of the Center for Political Economy and Regional Development , the Gaidar Institute  took part in the 2nd expert session – The Diagnostics and Identification of Key Problems – which  was held within the frameworks of development of the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Dagestan in the Period till 2035 in Makhachkala .   

Publication of the “High-Tech Business in Russia’s Regions” National Report: Where is Non-Oil and Gas Growth to Be Found?

28 march 2019

Vera Barinova and Stepan Zemtsov, experts of the Innovation Economy Department, the Gaidar Institute took part in development of the National Report: High-Tech Business in Russia’s Regions”.

Andrei Kaukin Took Part in the Meeting of the FBK Economic Club

27 march 2019

On March 19, 2019, Andrei Kaukin, Head of the Sectorial Markets and Infrastructure Department, the Gaidar Institute took part in the meeting of the FBK Economic Club.  

Natalia Kornienko moderated discussion on new opportunities for electronic trade

31 january 2019

On January 30, Natalia Kornienko, Head of Tax System Development Department of the Gaidar Institute, moderated session “New opportunities for electronic trade” held during Conference “Customs for business: 2018 results” organized by the “Event” Agency with support of Eurasian Economic Commission.

Issue No. 1(84) January 2019 of the Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook Has Recently Been Published

24 january 2019

The Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook: the Trends and Challenges of the Socioeconomic Development (Issue No.1(84), 2019) which deals with current trends and changes in the Russian economy has recently been published.

Gaidar Forum-2019: Irina Tolmacheva moderated expert discussion on new prospects of endowment development of non-profit organizations

22 january 2019

On January 17, an expert discussion “New prospects of non-profit organizations endowment development” moderated by Irina Tolmacheva, Head of Legal Department of the Gaidar Institute, Head of Research Projects and Intellectual Property Division of the Extra-Budgetary Activity Management, RANEPA, took place under Gaidar Forum–2019.

The Gaidar Forum – 2019: Natalia Kornienko Held an Expert Discussion: “Taxation of Cross-Border Trade: Problems and Solutions”

18 january 2019

On January 1, within the framework of the Gaidar Forum—2019 Natalia Kornienko, Head of the Tax System Department, the Gaidar Institute held an expert discussion on regulation and taxation of cross-border trade.