
Stepan Zemtsov: Human qualification grows with the robot

24 april 2018

On April 23, Senior researcher of the Gaidar Institute Stepan Zemtsov took part in the OTR program on the OTP television channel, which discussed the consequences of automation and robotics for the labor market.

The annual review "The Russian Economy in 2017" was published

23 april 2018

The Gaidar Institute has published another annual review "The Russian Economy in 2017. Trends and prospects ".

Stepan Zemtsov took part in the Russian Venture Forum

23 april 2018

Senior researcher of the Gaidar Institute Stepan Zemtsov took part in the Russian Venture Forum, held April 18-19 in Kazan.

Anna Zolotareva delivered a lecture on the role of judicial decisions in Russian law

20 april 2018

On April 16, Anna Zolotareva, Director of Center for Legal Studies of the Gaidar Institute, delivered a lecture “Role of judicial decisions among past and present sources of Russian law” at a seminar/meeting of All-Russia Education Trade Union held in St. Petersburg on “Labor legislation, civil legislation, legislation on education. Theory and Practice”.

Irina Dezhina: Universities remain for the companies primarily human resources suppliers, not partners in research work

18 april 2018

April 17, "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" published an article by Irina Dezhina, a leading researcher at the Gaidar Institute, dedicated to the development of science in higher educational institutions of Russia.

Sergei Zhavoronkov: The level of the "bottom" depends on political factors, and not on economic factors

18 april 2018

On April 17, senior researcher of the Gaidar Institute Sergei Zhavoronkov gave a broad interview to the television channel RZD-TV on the impact of new sanctions of the West and Russia's retaliatory measures on the country's economy.

Azamat Berberov took part in consideration of relevant issues of taxation

17 april 2018

On April 11, Azamat Berberov, Researcher of Center for Macroeconomics and Finance of the Gaidar Institute, delivered a presentation "Capital gain taxation of Russian companies: application of DTT, Tax Code, approach in Article 13(5) of the UN Model, perspectives for Russia" at a round table “Relevant issues of the taxation of capital gains in the international context” held at Financial university under Government of the Russian Federation.

Issue No. 7(68) April 2018 of the Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook Has Recently Been Publishe

16 april 2018

The Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook: the Trends and Challenges of the Socioeconomic Development (Issue No.7(68), 2018) which deals with current trends and changes in the Russian economy has recently been published.

Natalia Kornienko took part in the discussion of the conclusions and prospects of the modern notarial system

16 april 2018

On April 13, 2018 Natalia Kornienko, Head of Tax System Development Department of the Gaidar Institute, delivered a presentation on the Role of notarial system in the digital economy at the round-table meeting dedicated to the theme:
“ Modern notarial system: 25 years. Conclusions and Prоspects”, organized by the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly on State - Building and Legislation of the Russian Federation.

Members of the Gaidar Institute took part in the Russian International Tax Week

13 april 2018

April 9-14, Moscow hosts the Russian International Tax Week organized by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Members of the Gaidar Institute took an active part in the discussion of taxation problems, making presentations on various topics.

Gleb Kurovsky spoke at the conference "Lomonosov-2018"

12 april 2018

April 9, a member of the Laboratory of Macroeconomic Modeling Department of the IEP named after E.T. Gaidar Gleb Kurovsky spoke at the International scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Lomonosov-2018" with the report "Modeling the consumption function: an approach based on micro-data."

Members of the Gaidar Institute took part in the 19th April International Scientific Conference

12 april 2018

April 10-12 was the annual April International Scientific Conference organized by the Higher School of Economics in which the members of the Gaidar Institute took part and made presentations on a wide range of topics in economic science.

Irina Tolmacheva took part in the forum "Endowments 2018"

09 april 2018

On April 6, Head of Legal Department of the Gaidar Institute Irina Tolmacheva took part in the work of the second international forum Endowments 2018, organized by the Potanin Charitable Foundation and the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.

Alexei Vedev: The deterioration of competition in the banking sector is much faster than it seems

06 april 2018

On March 30, leading researcher of the Gaidar Institute Alexey Vedev attended a round table of banking analysts, organized by the Banking Institute of the Higher School of Economics, where the problems of the development of the Russian banking sector were discussed.

Natalia Kornienko: The introduction of tax free is a sign of the civilized state

05 april 2018

April 5 Head of Tax System Development Department of  Gaidar Institute Natalia Kornienko gave an interview to the program "Business morning" on the NTV channel, in which the introduction of the tax free system was discussed.

Natalia Kornienko: It is necessary to introduce new technologies in tax administration

05 april 2018

March 31, Head of Tax System Development Department of  Gaidar Institute Natalia Kornienko took part in the "Dom E" program on the OTR television channel where the topic of the need for tax reform in Russia was discussed.