Dezhina Irina G.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher, Social Economics Department
Phone number: (495) 629-47-13
By a decree of the French Prime Minister in June, 2016 has been awarded the Ordre des Palmes Academiques (Order of Academic Palms).
- 1984 - Moscow Institute of Engineers of Railroad Transport , Department of Economics
- 1995 - Moscow Institute of National Forecasting of Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD
- 2007 - Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics
Professional Experience
- 1993-1995 - Analytical Center on Science and Industrial Policy,Ministry of Science and Technology Policy and State Committee on Industrial Policy, Senior Research Fellow
- 1994 - Regional Exchange Scholar with Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Senior Research Fellow
- 1995 – the present – IET, Leading Researcher, Social Services Department, Center for Institutional Development, Ownership and Corporate Governance
- 1994, 1996 - Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies,Georgetown University
- 1996 - Carnegie Corporation of New York
- 1997 - She held fellowships with MIT
- 1998-2000 - expert of Eurasia Foundation
- 1999 - Science Policy Analyst at Stanford University
- Since 1999 she has also been Expert for program evaluation and consultant to the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation For the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
- 2008–2016 гг. – National Research University – Higher School of Economics. Professor, Department of economics of science and innovation (part-time)
- 2017 – present - National Research University – Higher School of Economics. Professor, Department of management of innovation (part-time)
- 2011–2014 – chief expert-analyst at the Russian Fund for Technological Development;
She is a member of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) since 1995s.
Foreign languages
- English - fluent
- The situation in the science and innovation sphere //Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37)/ М.: Gaidar Institute Publishers, 2016. p 316-344.
- The State of Science and Innovation//Russian Economy in 2014. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 36)/ М.: Gaidar Institute Publishers, 2015. p 316-336
- Social Sphere//Russian Economy in 2013. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 35)/ М.: Gaidar Institute Publishers, 2014. p 344-365
- Zarubezhnye fondy podderzhki nauki v Rossii: strategii i rezul'taty (part1). - In: Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki, 1995, no.3, p. 100-109.
- Zarubezhnye fondy podderzhki nauki v Rossii: strategii i rezul'taty (part II). - In: Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki, 1995, no.4, 12p.
- Finansirovanie nauki v regionakh: novye istochniki i podkhody. - In: Vestnik
- Gumanitarnye issledovaniia: prioritety grantovogo finansirovaniia. - In: Vestnik Rossiiskogo Gumanitarnogo Nauchnogo Fonda, no.2, 1996, p.172-175.
- Finansirovanie rossiiskoi nauki: novye formy i mechanizmy In: Voprosy economiki, no.10, 1996, p.78-89.
- Zarubezhnye programmy i fondy v rossiiskoi nauke: dinamika razvitiia (1993-1996) In: Obshestvo i economika, no. 7, 1996, p.67-77.
- Zarubezhnyi granty dlia rossiiskikh uchenykh. M, “Veritas”, 1996., 51p.
- Nauka Rossii v perekhodnyi period: 1991-1996. - In: Five years of reforms. M, Institute for Economy in Transition, 1997, 30 p.
- The Role of the International Science Foundation (ISF) in Support of Science in the Former Soviet Union. - OSI, NY, 1997, 54 p. (English and Russian).
- Nauchnaya Sfera. In: White Book. Economika I Politika Rossii v 1997 godu. Moscow, Institut for the Economy in Transition, 1998, p.162-169.
- (With Paul Josephson) The Slow Pace of Reform of Fundamental Science in Russia and Ukraine. - In: Problems of Post-Communism. September-October 1998, vol.45, No.5, p.48-64.
- Chapter in monograph of A.Yurevich «Umnye no bednye: uchenye v sovremennoi Rossii». Part 3, chapter 1 «Zarubezhnaia pomosh'». M., Moscow Public Science Foundation, 1998, p.132-150.
- (With Loren Graham) Science and Higher Education in Russia – In: Science, Vol. 286, 12 November 1999, p.1303-1304.
- (with S.Tsyganov) Creation of new technologies or a Leap over an abyss – In: Vestnik RAS, no.4, 2000, p.291-294.
- The International Science Foundation: The Preservation of Basic Science in the Former Soviet Union. Monograph. New York, OSI, 2000.
- Is Russian Science Recovering? – Nature, vol.408, November 2, 2000, c.19-20.
- Chapter in monograph of A.Yurevich and I.Tsapenko «Nuzhny li Rossii uchenye?» (Does Russia need researchers?). Part 2, chapter 1 «Zarubezhnaya pomosh' rossiiskoi nauke». M., УРСС, 2001, p.54-70.
- Effekt Prozrachnosti. - In: Poisk, 2001, no.6, p.5.
Some of her recent presentations comprise:
- Intersectoral Mobility of Researchers in Russia: Trends and Policy Measures. Presentation made at Triple Helix XII International conference. Tomsk, September 12, 2014.
- Science, Technology, and Innovations: Structural and Policy Changes. Seminar on Russian Economy: “Technology, Policy, and Industrial Modernization”, Helsinki, Finland, October 2, 2000.
- Innovative Infrastructure in Russia: Current Approaches to Its Creation and Outcomes. VI World Congress for Central and East European Studies “Divergencies, Convergencies, Uncertainties”, Tampere, Finland, August 3, 2000
- The U.S. Non-Profit Foundations in Russia: Impact on Research and Education. International Conference “The Third Sector: For What and For Whom?”, Dublin, Ireland, July 6, 2000
- Fostering Technological Innovations in Russia: New Funding Mechanisms and Infrastructure. Davis Center for Russian Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, April 5, 2000
- Research in Russian Universities: What Is Done Today for Its Support and Development?
- Conference “Modern Situation of Higher Education in Russia: What Do We Know about It and How May We Study It?”, S.-Petersburg, July 3, 1999
- Impacts of International Scientific Collaboration. An International Symposium “Scientific Collaboration with the Former Soviet Union: Results and Opportunities”, Washington DC, June 9, 1999
- Fostering Technological Innovation in Russia: Current Practice and Future Prospects. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. May 10, 1999