Izryadnova Olga I.

Senior Researcher

Phone number: (495) 629-47-13
E-mail: izryad@iep.ru

By the RF President's Decree of 22 October 2015 No 526, Olga I. Izryadnova was awarded the Order of Friendship for her substantial contribution to implementing the state policy in the field of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, and for her many years of fruitful work.


  • 1969 – Russian Academy of Economics
  • 1972 – Russian Academy of Economics, post-graduate course, Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Graduate of the Higher Economics Courses at the USSR State Planning Committee

Work Experience

  • 1969–1980: Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production, Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher and Senior Researcher
  • 1980–1991: Scientific Research Institute of the USSR State Planning Committee, Researcher and Senior Researcher
  • 1991–2023: Ye.T. Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, Head of the Structural Policy Department of the Center for Real Sector
  • Present: Senior Researcher, the Center for Real Sector, Gaidar Institute
  • Present: Advisor to the Department of Macroeconomic Forecasting of the RF Ministry of Economic Development

Professional Interests

  • Real sector of the economy

Seminars and Conferences

  • Expert seminar On the Status and Life Support of Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation - Security Council of the Russian Federation.
  • Seminar Argentina - Russia: Lessons from the Crises - Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Russia, Moscow International University, International Union of Economists.
  • Second Annual International Conference Russia 2015: New Sources of Growth (Center for Economic and Financial Research).
  • Financing Economic Growth: Problems and Prospects - Conference hosted by the Institute for Complex Strategic Studies.
  • International Conference The Second Decade of Russian Reforms: The Issues of Improving the Federal System (St. Petersburg, 6-8 July 2002, within the framework of the CEPRA Program).
  • 16 January 2003 - Online conference The RF Economy: Year-end Results and Prospects for the Future.
  • 27 February 2003 - International seminar organized by the United Nations Office at Moscow in the context of the Third World Water Forum.

 Scholarly Activities

  • Participation in the Interactive Conference finam.ru, held online on 17 April 2002.
  • Small Enterprises are Actively Looking for a Niche in the Russian Market // Interview given to OPEC.ru, 15-17 July 2002.
  • Provided advice and consultancy to Roberta Benini, NOVISMA - Economic Research Institute, Bologna, Italy, on the issue of development of the real sector.
  • Discussion, with representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova, of issues relating to the current changes in the Russian investment climate and the issue of attracting foreign investment into the Russian economy.

Main Publications

1. Bessonov V., Izryadnova О. Structural Shifts in the Russian Economy. – Moscow: IET, March 2000, 125 pages.
2. Entov R., Sinelnikov S., Arkhipov S., Batkibekov S., Trunin I., Drobyshevsky S., Izryadnova О., Kadochnikov P., Ratnovsky L., Trophimov G., Cherkasov D., Shadrin A., Yudin А. An Analysis of Macroeconomic and Institutional Problems of the Financial Crisis in Russia, Elaboration of a Program of Measures Designed to Overcome It and to Achieve Financial Stabilization. The Relationship Between Financial Indicators and Some Characteristics of the Real Sector. – Moscow: IET, March 2000, 205 pages.
3. A. Zolotareva, О.Izryadnova, P. Kadochnikov, Ye. Kitova, А.Radygin, S. Sinelnikov, I. Trunin, T. Chizhelikova, S. Shatalov, A. Yudin, John Rayner, Shauna McLarnon Financial Relations Between the Federal Center and the Northern Regions and Their Impact on the Organized Migration from the North. 2001.
4. Bobylev Yu. N., Dashkeev V., Izryadnova O. I., Kadochnikov P. A., Polevoy D. The External and Internal Factors Behind the Development of the Real Sector of the Russian Economy (the Fuel and Raw Materials Complex and the Electric Power Industry), 2002.
5. S. Zhavoronkov, О. Izryadnova, V. Mau, I. Starodubrovskaya. Regional Aspects of the Development of the Russian Economy, As Seen on the Example of Elaborating the Concept of the Socio-Economic Development of the Altay Republic, 2002.
6. S. Drobyshevsky, S. Dneprovskaya, О. Izryadnova, D. Levchenko, L. Lederman, G. Malginov, М. Turuntseva, P. Hobson. Investments: Regional Aspect, 2002.
7. С. Drobyshevsky, А. Radygin, I. Gorshunov, О. Izryadnova, A. Il'in, G. Malginov, M. Turuntseva, S. Tsukhlo, I. Shkrebela. The Investment Behavior of Russian Enterprises, Scientific Works of the IEP, No 65, 2004.
8. S. Drobyshevsky, S. Ponomarenko, О. Izryadnova, T. Usik, A. Tsikanova. The Financial Sector and the Costs of Inflation in Countries with Economies in Transition, 2004.
9. The Main Trends of Development of the Real Sector and Investment Activity // The Global Financial Crisis: Historical Parallels and the Ways Out / Ye. Gaidar and V. Mau, eds. - Moscow: Alpina Publishers, 2009. 406 pages. (Skolkovo Book Series).
10. The Macrostructure of Production // Russian Economy in 2010. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 32) / Co-authored by O. Izryadnova and Ye. Astafieva. Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2011, pp. 205–227.
11. Domestic Internal Investments in Fixed Assets // Russian Economy in 2010. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 32). М.: Gaidar Institute, 2011, pp. 249-269.
12. The Living Standards of the Population // Russian Economy in 2010. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 32) / Co-authored by O. Izryadnova and S. Misikhina. Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2011, pp. 329-334.
13. The Macrostructure of Production // Russian Economy in 2011. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 33) / М.: Gaidar Institute, 2012, pp. 187-206.
14. Domestic Internal Investments in Fixed Assets // Russian Economy in 2011. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 33) / Мoscow: Gaidar Institute, 2012, pp. 246-259.
15. The Trends and Factors Affecting the Development of the Real Sector of the Economy // The Economic Policy Expert Channel, 7 September 2012.
16. The Real Sector Between Expectations and Realities // The Economic Policy Expert Channel, 10 January 2013.
17. The Macrostructure of Production // Russian Economy in 2012. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 34) / Мoscow: Gaidar Institute, 2013, pp. 215–230.
18. Domestic Internal Investments in Fixed Assets // Russian Economy in 2012. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 34) / Мoscow: Gaidar Institute, 2013, pp. 268–274.
19. Foreign Investments // Russian Economy in 2012. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 34) / Co-authored by O. Izryadnova and E. Ilyukhina. Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2013, pp. 275–281.
20. The Real Sector: An Intensification of the Slump, a Decline in Demand, a Rise in the Cost of Labor // The Economic Policy Expert Channel, 20 September 2013.
21. The Macrostructure of Production // Russian Economy in 2013. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 35) / Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2014, pp. 199-219.
22. Investment Activity // Russian Economy in 2013. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 35) / Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2014, pp. 246-257.
23. The Macrostructure of Production // Russian Economy in 2014. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 36) / Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2015, pp. 185-207.
24. Investments in Fixed Assets // Russian Economy in 2014. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 36) / Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2015, pp. 239-247.
25. Investment Activity // Russian Economy in 2014. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 36) / Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2015, pp. 185-207.
26. Russian Economy in 2010–2014: Internal and External Demand // Economy. Taxes. Law. 2015, No 2, pp. 69–80.
27. Modernization of the Russian Economy and the Changes in the Structure of the Demand for Labor / Co-authored by O. I. Izryadnova and L. I. Lugacheva // Problems and Prospects for Economic and Management Development in Russia and Abroad. The Proceedings of the Seventh International Scientific and Practical Conference. [In Russian]. 2015, pp. 30–36.
28. The Realities and the Vectors of Development of the Russian Labor Market / Co-authored by O. I. Izryadnova and M. M. Musatova // Problems and Prospects for Economic and Management Development in Russia and Abroad. Proceedings of the Seventh International Scientific and Practical Conference. [In Russian]. 2015. Pp. 37–46.
29. Structural Shifts in the Russian Economy: A Comparative Analysis of the Behavior of the Main Indices. – Moscow: Delo Publishing House, RANEPA, 2015. 112 pages. (Scientific Reports: Economics).
30. The Real Sector of the Economy: Factors and Trends // Russian Economic Developments, 2016, No 1, pp. 12–17.
31. The Real Sector of the Economy: Factors and Trends // Russian Economic Developments, 2016, No 2, pp. 22–26.
32. The Real Sector of the Economy: Factors and Trends // Russian Economic Developments, 2016, No 3, pp. 25–30.
33. The Macrostructure of Production // Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 37) / Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2016, pp. 181-198.
34. Investments in Fixed Assets // Russian Economy в 2015 году. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 37) / Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2016, pp. 233-243.
35. The Living Standards of the Population // Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 37) / Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 2016, pp. 315-319.
36. The Real Sector of the Economy: Factors and Trends // Russian Economic Developments, 2016, No 4, pp. 8–12.
37. The Real Sector of the Economy: Major Factors and Trends // Russian Economic Developments, 2016, No 6, pp. 12–17.
38. Investments in Fixed Assets in Q1 2016 // Russian Economic Developments, 2016, No 7, pp. 13–19.
39. Investments in Fixed Assets in H1 2016 г. // Russian Economic Developments, 2016, No 9, pp. 3–8.
40. The Real Sector of the Economy: Factors and Trends // Russian Economic Developments, 2016, No 12, pp. 9–14.
41. The Real Sector of the Economy: The Specific Features of Its Development in the Federal Okrugs in 2016 г // Russian Economic Developments, 2017, No 4, pp. 96–104.